What makes it different from others?
Lack of good storyline.
Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.
Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
Just when I thought this was another chronicle of Godless people living without a code, they threw in some worthwhile scenes with coded adults. A photography teacher, a corrections officer, a restaurant employer, a girlfriend, and a reformed dad all tried to teach our apathetic protagonist some valuable life lessons. Those were great scenes. They had to throw in some political propaganda against President Bush, for Obama and singer "Bright Eyes," to appease their stars or themselves I imagine. At least they showed religious people as sincere and kind before they gently mocked the concept.Something this long starts to feel self-indulgent. But most scenes are thoughtful and carefully made. I'll give it a grudging recommendation.
Interesting concept and epic fail no lessons learned no heart no nothing. Oh what could have been....the mom and daughter try to
Graham Peculiar
Not at all bad and well worth a watch. The main strength is seeing children growing up and people ageing in the same film, which is remarkable. But that for me was also the weakness, in that it was trying to cover events over such a long period of time that it was very episodic, and not able to focus enough. You have to be on your toes to pick up the bits of dialog that tell you what's happened since the last installment, and I'd agree that parts of the script felt a little contrived. For me this would have worked better as a 10 or 12 part series, which would have done more justice to the material, and it could have been epic.
God where to start here? I can easily say this was the most boring film ever made! Linklater basically directed something so his daughter can have memory of growing up and that is it! Characters are dull, acting pacing and anything that makes one film a film is completely absent! Story is about uninteresting family with uninteresting lives and who ever calls this an artistic film is a complete idiot! Anyhow don't waste 3h of your time on this because you will hate cinema for life! This film makes you hate Cinema!