Charming and brutal
I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
Brennan Camacho
Mostly, the movie is committed to the value of a good time.
Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
I watched the whole thing. I really should have spent my time watching grass grow or paint dry.I can not find one thing to recommend about this movie. The background music was annoying and at times resembled scratching fingernails on a blackboard. The narration was a monotone drone that went on and on but did little to advance the plot (plot???, why did I say that? I was unable to even discern a plot).Bottom line, save your time, and if your at the Walmart movie bargain bin, save your money.
Whilst empathising with the protagonist, I felt that a golden opportunity was missed to make a statement. Either this could have been a gritty social comment or a witty irony. As it is the film is simply a meaningless dirge. None of the characters is easy to bond with as they are all just plain nasty or sad. If you are prone to depression this will have you reaching for the window. It starts off on a low and goes down hill from there. If you can bear to listen to the title music without gaining a headache, the opening lines are sufficient for you to understand the entire movie. It is so predictable that it need only be summarised in a single word.Yawn.
Reflection, this is a movie that holds a mirror up to you and makes you think about your own experiences in life. Many of us have suffered loss, or live meaninglessness lives and sink into a deep depression. The cinematography and soundtrack capture this perfectly, pulling you into the mundane world of Jim Thompson. It's refreshing to see a film that take a chance on something that is different. That's what I truly enjoy about independent cinema. Watch the film with an open mind as it's isn't for everyone and watch it twice. There loads of subtleties in the shots and voice over that really click the second time around.
The Breaking Point is a film that takes you into the life of Jim. Nothing's going right for Jim and we all can relate to rough times. From beginning to end I went through so many relatable feelings he was having and left me wanting to know more. Very relatable film. Excellent film and amazing cast!