
1986 "Anything this hideous must be stopped from breeding."
3.8| 1h17m| R| en

An otherwordly perpetrator has been attacking female virgins in Manhattan. As Dr. Pace and Detective Andriotti work together to identify the strange organic materials found on the women, the victims begin arising in a trance and leaving the hospital.


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Also starring Teresa Farley

Also starring Frances Raines

Also starring Amy Brentano


Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Organnall Too much about the plot just didn't add up, the writing was bad, some of the scenes were cringey and awkward,
RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
mraculeated The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
GL84 After a series of strange encounters around town, a doctor and a police detective find that the culprits are random virginal women being raped by a race of shape-shifting aliens looking to mate with humans and must band together to find a way of stopping their spree.This one wasn't all that bad if looked at in the right manner. One of the best aspects to this here is the highly fun and enjoyable sleaze present here which makes for a rather fine experience. By detailing the whole of the encounter as rapes, it takes a rather darker tone here with the usual ploy of the insect-like aliens looking to mate which gives this a rather dark and disturbing tone when coupled with the rather striking feature of the need for virginity to be utilized for their needs. That gives this the need for some tense and somewhat suspenseful attacks that occur throughout here, from the opening attack on the lone girl walking home from her failed date, the attack on the model in the photography studio and the rather shocking ambush in the nurse's house where her date is knocked off without her knowing and then turning around to see the bug-eyed alien jump out to attack her. That leaves the film with a few rather nice attacks to lead into the finale in the underground tunnels where their nest is found with all the victims writhing around in the pool of liquid where all the shape-shifting aliens are gathered around waiting on them and the battle to stop them from coming to maturity makes for a really nice fight and the ending measures to finally get them wiped off is a rather unique effort. Given that these scenes here produce a rather fun amount of nudity with just about everything shown from every woman in the cast, there's some rather nice times here when this one goes into the exploitation offerings yet there's very little else worthwhile here. This is due to the film's rather obvious lack of budget and really showcasing itself as a cheap, shoddily-made effort with the cheap looking sets, sparse locations and rather long scenes featuring them standing around in the same location waiting around for test results or discussing a plan of action. There's nothing realistic about these scenes and it just enhances this part of the film rather highly due to its frequency and occurring nature. The other big flaw to this one is the rather phony-looking make-up effects for the gore as well as the aliens, which are rather flimsy and seem cartoonish compared to what they're attempting to represent and take all the fun out of the kills in this one. These here really drag this one down considerably.Rated R: Constant Full Nudity, Graphic Violence, Language, Rape scenes and drug use.
nealnels Soooo many facts to be stated:I'm giving "Breeders"(1986) 5 stars because, like "R.O.T.O.R.," it falls squarely into the "So Bad It's Great" category.This movie is not to be confused with "Breeders" (1997), although I am not entirely sure it's not a re-make or sequel. It does appear very similar in look and story-line. It's IMDb page even features screen shots from "Breeders" (1986). But please do not be fooled, and demand the original! "Breeders" was filmed back-to-back with "Mutant Hunt."The same director was at the helm of "Robot Holocaust" (1986). That film only ranks a 2.1 and holds the distinction of being in IMDb's bottom 100. "Breeders" scores a 3.4 which only tells me that there is an appreciation for this sort of movie. I do own "Robot Holocaust" but only in the MST3K version. I would love to find the original cut on DVD!"Breeders" was released in 1986 and "Mutant Hunt" was held in the can for another year. (Probably to follow "Robot Holocaust" as a pseudo-sequel.) I don't own "Mutant Hunt," (which receives a healthy 3.6 rating) but rest assured, I will find it.Tim Kincaid (AKA Joe Gage/ Mac Larson... etc, etc.) was/is (who knows?) a director of gay porn. "Breeders" could hardly be any less GAY. The only thing remotely gay about it is the photographer character. In fact, one could call this movie- the most opposite of gay you can get this side of straight and/or lesbian porn. My partner and I are gay, and I'm sure two, of very few, that have a deep appreciation for this movie. If you're looking for male eroticism in a Tim Kincaid "film", see "Robot Holocaust." It features MANY scantily clad muscular men. But please believe me that "Breeders" is the much better BAD movie.Alright, facts aside, let's chat awhile about "Breeders." This film, much like "R.O.T.O.R.," doesn't waste time trying to make sense. The acting is non-existent. The script is even worse. The sets are worse than that. And the story-line and special effects are even worser(sic). Why they wasted precious film on this atrocity is a blessing for THOSE of us who understand and love these sort of movies. (Do you see what I did there?)One may even question if Kincaid was doing all of these horrible things on purpose? I certainly hope not. I dislike, and can usually tell, when a B-movie is being made; to be a B-movie. I hope the man was dead serious. That makes it all the funnier for me!Let me outline the train-wreck that is, "Breeders:" There's... an unseen (for most of the movie) rubber suited monster. The itty- bitty-titty-committee walking around naked (for most of the movie). A stupid detective and an even more inept doctor- trying to solve the case of the "breeding" alien. Even the title of the film is incorrect. There is only the one alien trying to impregnate these "virgin" (yeah, right!) ladies; so I'm not sure why "Breeders" is plural. A nurse who comes home from work- showers, changes clothes, entertains a guest, and cooks dinner- ALL in the same room! And an ending (that takes place in a New York(?) subway tunnel(?) that should go down in infamy. Several naked gals bathing each other in a humongous tub of seaman. (I may have used another word here; but we'll see if this one even gets through.) The only thing that could possibly tear the audience's eyes from the bathtub... would be a man that turns inside out and becomes a half- human/ half-alien child...thingy with extremely large teeth. Oh, and it's kinda on the needy side. The needy alien child thingy and all of the bathing beauties are killed when the detective drops a power- line in the seamen. Credits should have rolled at this point, but I guess we had to fill in a bit more of this 77 min. film's running time. Soooo... we are treated to a (I'm hesitant in saying "another," because it is really the "only") sex scene; or shall I say, after-sex scene. We find the stupid detective and inept doctor in bed together sweating like they just had a good time. (Ya- know-what-I-mean...) And just when one is thinking, "It could possibly... in some parallel universe... work out for these two," the lady doctor starts turning into an alien. This presupposes many things: That this movie had NO intentions of making any sense. Yay! That the doctor was a virgin (before her time with the detective...just now.) And.... that, even-though, the audience hardly ever saw the doctor away from work and/or the detective... she still had time to get it on with the alien.In conclusion, if you feel like I do about exquisitely bad and tasteless cinema... Please feel free to treat yourself to my suggested double-feature of "Breeders" and "R.O.T.O.R." (Take a gander at my review of this movie too, just to get a taste of what you're in store for.) They'll let you down... in all the right ways!
gavin6942 The Manhattan General Hospital has admitted a string of young women who have been raped by something otherworldly...I like when films start with reptilian creatures grabbing women and carrying them off while gobs of gore splatter on the ground... no disrespect to fair maidens, but seeing them abducted is far more satisfying than if it were young men -- is that sexist? Not sure what is up with the very ugly model and terrible tan lines. I mean, I know it was the 1980s, but is this the best New York had to offer? And then there is a long sequence of her working out nude while cheesy music plays. The film is not that long to begin with -- if you cut out this very gratuitous scene, you could probably have fit the whole film into an hour slot. (Director Tim Kincaid is primarily a gay porn director, though, so maybe this should be expected.) Nice effects on the chest-popping scene... Somehow this went from being distributed by Wizard Video to MGM... I hope Charlie Band made a few bucks off of it.If you want to see some of the ugliest, boniest women naked on screen for far too long, this might be the film for you. Besides that, it does not really have that much to offer. (There is a strange, subtle message that sex before marriage is bad, though -- only virgins get impregnated by "breeders". Be a whore and you will be safe!)
Backlash007 ~Spoiler~ Breeders is Z-grade trash from the mid 80's involving extra-terrestrials who come to New York looking to impregnate virgins. That's a laugh. They'd be hard-pressed to find virgins in the bible belt! Apparently New York girls are more wholesome than Sex and The City would have you believe because every woman in this picture turns out to be a virgin!!! I believe in suspension of disbelief...but to a degree man! It's also strange how every woman in this film reveals skin. Who undresses in the kitchen? Who does nude aerobics at work? What's ironic about all this is I would have probably considered this film a masterpiece when I was 11 years old. But I probably would have been deeply disturbed by the movie's finale at that age. It involves all of the previous virgins writhing and contorting around in a large vat of alien goo. I can't believe MGM released this. There is not one good actor here to speak of...nor is there a director, editor, writer, dp, grip....