Bring It On Again

2004 "May the best moves win again."
4.4| 1h30m| PG-13| en

When new students can't get onto their college cheerleading team, they form their own squad and prepare for a cheer off.


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Also starring Anne Judson-Yager


ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
Roman Sampson One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
callanvass Why is it that so many movie companies, insist on producing so many DTV sequels now a days?. Bring It on Again is a prime example of why people detest DTV movies. It's lazy,it's amateurish,not only that there is not one character you can root for in the film. I was in the video store the other day and figured on renting it,since I'd just finished the 1st,but something told me not to waste my precious money,and just view it online instead. I made the right decision,Bring It On Again wasn't worthy of my money at all. This was clearly a movie to cash in on the success of the original,only they replaced a likable cast,with a bunch of whiny snobs,who couldn't act there way out of a paper bag!. The 1st one was far from a classic,but at least it had a sense of energy and a hint of likability,this Dosen't have any of those traits. Anne Judson-Yager|Whittier| is supposed to be our heroine,our darling so to speak,yet she's almost as whiny and disposable as Tina and Marni,so how on earth is a sequel gonna work like this,when there is no one to root for?. What's even worse is this turkey produced 3 more unrelated sequels,that nobody really wanted. The Cheerleading sequences are average at best,except for one excellent one at the very end,I will admit that was very well done.Bring It On Again is a reason why I detest DTV Sequels,or even sequels in general. It's got no heart,no creativity,and most importantly it's downright dull.Performances. Anne Judson-Yager. I read a review that said Anne looked like a poor woman's Reese Witherspoon,to be honest? That fits her perfectly. She can't act worth a lick,she's very unsympathetic,whiny and was almost as bad as the villainous. Bree Turner gives a typical B*tch performance. It was adequate I suppose. Bethany Joy Galeotti known for her One Tree Hill fame,certainly didn't show any of that here,I wanted to slap her one. Faune A. Chambers plays the best friend adequately,she was less annoying then Yager at least.Bottom Line. Bring It On Again is a waste of film. I had to go through 80 minutes of torture to get one decent cheerleading sequence,let me tell you it isn't worth it my friends. I would advise you to avoid this sequel,unless your a die hard cheerleader fan. Now I just have 3 more sequels to go!,Uggh.3/10
liberalblossom15 Whittier is both nervous and excited. She's just made it onto the BEST cheer leading squad (best in WHAT is never clarified). Unfortunately, the captain is rude and cruel to the other cheerleaders, so she and her best friend Monica decide to create their own squad and have a cheer off to see who will go to nationals. At the same time she is falling for the shaggy Derrick who could be perfect for her.From the beginning this film annoyed me. The lead girl is too naive and impressionable - after one talk with her "head cheerleader" she decides to cut down on her calories and ridicule her friends - even drop them for acceptance. (Don't most girls grow out of that by college?) When she finally stands up for herself, you'll wonder what took so long, and why she felt the need to strip to make her point.The acting is okay at best, especially from the lead, who is out shined by the girls playing her best friend and her adversary. The "comedy" is minimal, with the gag of Penelope getting hurt being very overdone. The ending was predictable and completely unrealistic as well.This film left me with a few questions: *What was with the constant costuming of Whittier in yellow? *Why did the guy playing the mascot beat box to the costume head before going out onstage? *Where did the new squad find the funding to get matching uniforms and how did they manage to unify their routine within two days? Overall: This is nothing more than mundane teen drivel. It's an unnecessary sequel trying to cash in on the success of it's predecessor. The acting is poor and the ending unrealistic and predictable. Skip this lame flick - you're not missing anything.
aimless-46 It's hard to believe that any movie industry professionals were actually associated with straight-to-video production "Bring It On Again" (2004). Although a sequel, it is more like a really painful blend of "Revenge of the Nerds" and "Cadet Kelly". Despite the warnings I actually watched my soon to be re-gifted DVD. Anne Judson-Yager (who looks like Reese Witherspoon plus 30 pounds) plays new college freshman and aspiring cheerleader Whittier Smith. She and her friend Monica (Faune A. Chambers) pass the audition and come under the scrutiny of sadistic head cheerleader Tina Hammersmith (Bree Turner). They soon tire of life under Tina and form a rival cheerleading squad of fine arts students and campus radicals. Despite a host of available movie stereotypes the screenwriter can't seem to figure out how to portray this crowd and you actually feel embarrassed for the actors who must deal with these portions of her script. Production design, style, and unity are apparently unknown elements to director Damon Santostefano (unsuccessfully seeking work since making this movie) and the whole thing seems randomly thrown together. It must have been an assembly nightmare for the editor, who may or may not share some of the blame- it's hard to tell.I'm at somewhat of a loss as to the target demographic for "Bring It On Again". These things tend to be pitched to producers for their sexploitation potential. And in this case they could at least count on a pre-sold sexploitation audience of original "Bring It On" fans. But the only tie with the original is the subject of cheerleading and those looking for sexploitation elements will be disappointed. My guess is that the target audience is actually preteen girls. The script is certainly on that age and sophistication level. The male members of the cast appear to have been selected for their looks (certainly not their acting skills) while the female members are a dreary looking bunch (although their limited acting skills are well-matched with those of the male cast). When your leading lady looks like Judson-Yager and your only really pretty actress is cast as the cheer squad's towel girl; alarm bells should start sounding for those outside this target demographic. I bet the producers wish that they had heard those bells and monitored this project a little closer.Then again, what do I know? I'm only a child.
visualmagic I need to wash my eyeballs and earholes after seeing this rubbish. Perhaps the entire cheerleading team borrowed a time stopping device from the bad plot department and studied choreographed performance arts for 2 years straight. Personally, I wish I had a time travelling device simply so I could travel back in time 2 hours, and smash the DVD player before my girlfriend subjected me to this tripe. I will never get my 2 hours back. In fact I'll stop typing this right now, because that movie is still occupying my time, and not another second... HOWEVER, Apparently to submit a review it needs to be 10 lines, with that in mind... Don't WASTE ANY TIME ON THIS MOVIE Perhaps a visit to the dentist would be more enjoyable.