Broken Mile

4.2| 1h20m| en

A drug addict awakens to find the girl he is with dead, and must rush to escape the consequences.


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Protraph Lack of good storyline.
MamaGravity good back-story, and good acting
Roman Sampson One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Raymond Sierra The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
casablancavic I came across this movie while watching a Dolph Lundgren and jean Claude Van Damme movie and did an imdb search.This was among the titles listed in the page - and since it is filmed in my favourite city and while watching it, I realized it also was in my neighbourhood of Toronto...and includes my house...I decided to give it a go.I have not heard of it prior - but I can state that this is awesome film making with an awesome cast and very creative thinking behind the entire project.While it states that this is one long take, there are cuts - but they are so well done, that it looks seamless.The entire conception from start to finish is handled well - and the musical score - even though it's not very thematic or tense like most movies - with a massive orchestra - adds the right amount of tension and context to the film.I can not imagine how difficult it would have been to get everything so well thought out - as it was in this movie on such a small budget and with a small crew and cast.This is exceptional film making - and all the crew, cast and people involved in any capacity should be proud of the job they did.The story kept me interested and the way it moved along was at the right pace.To the director- please don't go the way that soooooo many Hollywood directors are going. Keep this style. Keep your vision and keep your camera guy.Yesterday I say a 300 million dollar flop called Justice League - and even with a well known cast, thousand of people and hundreds of millions of dollars behind it - along with all the history of the comic world and previous movies and tv shows to sustain it and back it...Justice League was a mess from 2 minutes in.This is a nice fresh approach to a failing industry which relies heavily on effects and big name celebrities - but lacks depth and story.I would rather watch movies like this - where true talent and art is created then any DC/Marvel abomination of what used to be interesting cartoon comic characters.The actors in this are top notch - and the entire development is exquisite.No, I have not worked on this movie - and no, I have not invested anything but my time to watch this movie and to comment on this.While this will never make my top ten list of movies - it certainly is a film which I feel at ease with giving compliments- because they are well deserved.The thought process behind this production is unmatched by the top film companies in Hollywood - and they should take a class in how to do it right by watching this that they don't turn the industry to total garbage - as they have with all the superhero movies, action movies and sci-fi for the last 10 years +.Give yourselves a pat on the back for a job well done and I look forward to seeing what else comes from the talents of the writer/director and performers.Very good job!