
1975 "WHATEVER YOU WANT THEY'VE GOT... And Bucktown is where you'll find it!"
6.2| 1h34m| R| en

Duke Johnson visits a small Southern town, intent on burying his brother. After the funeral, he learns that he must stay for 60 days, for the estate to be processed. A few locals convince Duke to reopen his late brother's nightclub, and soon the local redneck policemen are intimidating Duke with threats of violence. Duke refuses to pay the bribes they demand, so then he and his lady friend Aretha are threatened and attacked by the crooked cops. Rather than take them on himself, Duke calls on his old pal Roy. Roy brings a few buddies to Bucktown, and they bring justice to the small town. With the redneck cops out of the way, Duke lets his guard down. Then the situation gets out of hand again. Finally, Duke must settle the score himself.


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American International Pictures


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Sharkflei Your blood may run cold, but you now find yourself pinioned to the story.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
SanEat A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."
Celia A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
MartinHafer WARNING--As with almost all blaxploitation films, this one has nudity, violence and a lot of rough language. This is NOT, I repeat, NOT a film for little kids, the easily offended or house pets. Just don't say I didn't warn you.The first half of this film is pretty standard stuff for a Blaxploitation film. Fred Williamson returns home for his brother's funeral and it's the first time he's been there in many years. He's shocked to see that a bunch of corrupt racist White cops are running the place. Fred is tired of getting the shakedown and hassled, so he brings in some out of town friends to put things right. This is pretty much the same plot as BROTHERHOOD OF DEATH, BOSS *IGGER and even I'M GONNA GET YOU SUCKA. And there aren't too many surprises as to what happens once this small and determined Black army hits town. However, there's a lot more to the film than this--taking the film from the usual to the extraordinary.After the town is saved, slowly the outside "friends" show their true colors. They really aren't that different from the old cops except that they are actually greedier and more cruel!! In other words, nice guy Fred Williamson is now stuck with having to fight the Black criminals--making this film different. In most Blaxploitation, the good guys and the bad guys are predictable--White power structure is evil and Black folks are almost always good (unless they are pimps or dealers working for Mr. Big). Here, however, the idea that power corrupts is illustrated--making for a more universal and deeper message. Now how Williamson responds ain't subtle (it's a lot like Bronson in DEATH WISH 2, 3 or 4) and it's a bit stupid, but it is entertaining.In addition to a better than usual plot, this film has an exceptional cast with Williamson, Pam Greer, Carl Weathers and a lot of other familiar faces. While this style film might not be your "cup of tea", if it is, you can't find one much better than this.
bensonmum2 Duke Johnson (Fred Williamson) comes to Bucktown to bury his brother and settle his business. A few locals talk Duke into staying on and re-opening his brother's bar. The locals, however, don't tell Duke how his brother really died or about the racists that run Bucktown. Duke enlists some out-of-town friends to help him deal with his problems. With his black friends in power, things should be looking up for Duke. But he soon realizes that regardless of skin color, power corrupts. Once again, Duke must fight for what he believes in.I suppose the biggest reason to see Bucktown is the chance to catch Fred Williamson and Pam Grier in the same movie. They're dynamite together and exhibit some real chemistry. I was impressed with Williamson in particular. I've seen too many movies from later in his career where he sleepwalks his way to a paycheck. Not here. He really seems to be into it. As for Grier, she's terrific. The supporting cast is exceptionally strong for this kind of movie. Thalmus Rasulala is an actor who has always impressed me and he does nothing to change my opinion in Bucktown. Carl Weathers and Tony King also give nice performances. But nobody goes into a movie like this for the acting. The action and fight scenes in Bucktown are wonderful. Fists, knives, guns – this movie has it all and does it all very well. The fight choreography and staging is about the best I've seen in a Blaxploitation movie. Very nicely done! But as much as I enjoyed the actors and the action, I still can't rate Bucktown higher than a 5/10. Why? The movie makes no sense. Maybe I should just suspend logic and go with it, but I can't. In my way of thinking, you just can't kill a bunch of people without some sort of reprisal. A whole load of lawmen are killed and no one seems to take notice? I don't care if they were good-for-nothing racists, someone (State officials, family members, concerned citizens,, etc.) would surely take notice and come to town to do something about it. And if the State or whoever isn't going to do anything about all the killing, don't you think the Army would take notice of someone stealing one of their vehicles? I'm sorry, but there's no logic to any of it.
Woodyanders Duke Johnson (superbly played by the almighty Fred Williamson) returns to his Southern home town only to discover that the local corrupt police force rules over the place with an iron fist. Johnson calls on several guys from the big city led by his smooth good buddy Roy (the terrific Thalmus Rasulala) to clean the hamlet up. Unfortunately, Roy and his nasty goons take over the crime racket after they wipe the cops out. Director Arthur Marks, working from a tough, smart and complex script by Bob Ellison, ably creates a hard, starkly amoral tone, maintains a steady pace throughout, and stages the action scenes with considerable brio (a ferocious protracted climactic fight between Duke and Roy rates as a definite exciting highlight). Moreover, the violence is every bit as rough and bloody as it ought to be. The bang-up cast qualifies as another significant asset: Pam Grier as Duke's fiery, sassy old flame Aretha, Tony King as slick sleazeball TJ, Bernie Hamilton as amiable drunk Harley, Art Lund as vice, hateful Chief Patterson, Tierre Turner as brash kid Steve, Morgan Upton as vicious deputy Sam, and Carl Weathers as brutal muscle Hambone. Both Robert Birchall's gritty, yet polished cinematography and Johnny Pate's funky, syncopated score are up to speed. An authentically funky grindhouse nugget.
ratpfink This is a really really terrific blaxploitation movie made in 1975. It's a really low down and dirty, gritty drama, just the way they should be. The acting is way above par, great story, great direction, and the whole movie looks good. It holds your interest for the entire movie. It has some of the best, most realistic fight sequences I have ever seen, plus, it has Pam Grier in it!The movie's star is Fred Williamson, who really turns in a great performance. Pam Grier plays a supporting role and it's some of her best acting. The other starring actor is a guy named Thalmus Rasulala, who is terrific.The story line goes something like this:Duke (played by Fred Williamson) comes to a town to bury his brother who died. His brother owned a bar called The Alabama. This particular town is a mini, sleazy, version of Vegas (the actual city used for the filming seems to be Kansas City, Mossouri,) a town that attracts low rent tourists because of its gambling and prostitution. It's going to take a while for Duke to settle his brother's estate, so he hangs around town and reopens his brother's bar. After two of the town's cops come in and expect a percentage of the proceeds from the bar's receipts, he realizes that the entire town is run by a corrupt, white, police force. He won't stand for it, so he calls in his big city friend Roy (Thalmus Rasulala) to come to town with some thugs to kick some ***. The crew comes to town and they make short work of the brutal white police force. Duke is quite grateful for the help.However, when his friend Roy realizes how much money the police were extorting from the town, he realizes that he fell into a gold mine. Instead of going back to the big city that the thugs came from, they install themselves as the new police force in town and extort even more money and are more brutal than the white police force that they eliminated. This doesn't make Duke happy, especially when his friend Roy's thugs start harassing his friends and his new girlfriend (Pam Grier). Finally, Duke gets the fed up with it, and has to turn on his friend Roy and put an end to it.There's only one of him and a bunch of thugs to conquer, so he steals a tank and crashes through the police station where the thugs are camped out. He eliminates the thugs single-handedly and then "dukes" it out with his friend Roy in a spectacular fight sequence. And, yes, Pam Grier gets nude once. Highly recommended.