Bullets, Blood & a Fistful of Ca$h

4.8| 1h55m| R| en

A hard boiled tale of bloody revenge that interweaves the stories of nine criminals. The story takes place in one day, on the eve of an all out syndicate war. Through a twisted series of events, the interweaving narratives are put on an ultra-violent collision course that will determine, once and for all, who owns the streets.



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Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
BoardChiri Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
Teddie Blake The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Janae Milner Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
mgbp7 To appreciate this movie, you have to appreciate cheese. Because let's get one thing straight: this movie is *bad*. Make that Bad, with a capital B. The lower than low production values, horrid music, over-the-top acting, and shockingly bad sound quality are enough to make this look like a movie torn straight from the 80s. All that's missing are the cheesy mullets, jean jackets, and the classic 80s synth soundtrack. I was literally shocked when I came on here and saw that this was a 2006 movie.Now, I actually loved this movie. It made me feel all warm inside. But that's because it was hella cheesy and I hadn't seen anything so purely cornball in years. Make no mistake… acting, camera work, story, effects… any way you look at it, this movie is not good.Oh, you can see that the filmmakers had some ambition – that they were going for a Tarantinoesque coolness, with a cast of characters who all have their own separate agendas and end up coming together in the end in a big face-off – but it's so far off the mark that you just have to ignore whatever attempts there are at making a competent movie and enjoy the cheese.One of the essential ingredients of a classic cheesy movie is that it takes itself seriously – it's trying to be cool, it thinks it's clever, but it's so far off the mark and that's what makes it funny. This movie certainly has that. But it's trying so hard that you get the feeling that the folks who made this movie really think they're on to something… it feels like they think this can grab a genuine cult audience.Thankfully, the cheese factor is so high that the movie still stays in "so bad it's good" territory, despite its lofty ambitions.I think viewers will fall into three categories: You expect a decent movie of passable quality and have no tolerance for poorly-executed movies. You don't understand the allure of cheese. For you, this movie sucks.You understand cheese but don't find this movie to have any redeeming value, even from that standpoint. It really is so bad it's bad. For you, this movie also sucks.You have a deep appreciation and love for (unintentionally) cheesy action and horror movies and see the 80s as the golden age of pure action cheese. For you, this movie is comedy gold. Priceless.I feel like the overly positive (albeit surely fake) reviews and some of the negative reviews miss the point because they are taking this movie at face value and judging it against a baseline of what you can reasonably expect from a movie. It's not about that. You're either going to get a kick and a bunch of laughs out of the corniness of this thing or you're going to think it's a pure waste of time. There's no middle ground.Just three more things: I can say that if you took the overall plot and ending of this movie (and I mean just the bare-bones on-paper plot and nothing else) and put it in *much* more capable hands, it could be a pretty awesome revenge movie.Also, the white bald crooked cop… he was the best actor in this thing. He's the only one who engendered intentional humor.Third, though the filmmakers have probably watched their share of Tarantino and were probably going for that kind of feel, not in a million moons could this ever compare to the *worst* of what Tarantino has put out. To compare this movie to Tarantino's work is a great insult and a joke. This is not a lower-budget Tarantino-style movie. It's pure cheese, take it or leave it.Oh, and fourth: I get the feeling that the dudes who made this movie probably love movies and really wanted to make something hardcore and cool, so I feel kind of bad for slamming the film. It's not easy to make a good movie, and starting off with heavy budget constraints doesn't make things easier. Still, after reading the reviews, I just had to reply honestly.Movie Highlights: All of the dialog; not just because it was so hammy, but because it literally sounds like it's been dubbed. The sound quality is that bad.Cash's shoot now, ask later philosophy: a big group of bad guys stand around in a parking lot staring at Cash with his shotgun. One of them makes a cheesy smartmouth comment with the kind of poorly-acted vigor that would make any random 80s bad guy thug proud. Cash says nothing but immediately proceeds to blast the guy with his shotgun, which sends him flying to kingdom come. *Hilarious*.Similar scenario, just from the trunk of a car instead.Same scenario, just in a warehouse instead.Three Asian gangsters get in the back of a car. A ridiculously blond*, obviously not Asian dude is sitting still as a stick in the front seat. The Asian gangstas proceed to yell at him in (what sounds to me like) Vietnamese, because they mistake said white man for a Vietnamese man -- their usual driver, I guess (I missed some of the prior scenes). Dude obviously has no idea what they're saying and is not Vietnamese. Gangsters still don't get it and keep yelling at him. Finally the dude turns around and reveals what we've known all along: he's not the Vietnamese guy they thought he was – he's a white man! So that's why he didn't respond to all their shouting! The only way this could have been funnier is if it had been a bald black man in the front seat who they were uselessly screaming at in Vietnamese. (*Of course there are Asian dudes out there with blond hair. But this cat was obviously white.)
shane73 Looks good for the low budget, but a terrible script and very very badly acted. I am sure some of the votes of 10 stars are from friends of the director or something. This looks like a well made student film. I know it was shot on film and some of it is shot very well. I am sure most of the budget was spent on the shoot not on getting a good script or good actors. The director does show promise, I would like to see what he does with a decent script. This is by no means on par with any thing like a Sexy Beast, or Tarantino flick. More like a very bad Steven Segal film or a Brian Bosworth film. A best this film is joke of an action film. If there cast were believable and said believable things it would be bearable.
crisunity When I watched this film I had read all the hype about it though I still didn't expect much cause I knew the budget was low and its marketed as this sort of gritty action movie. I was really surprised. Reading the negative comments on the IMDb, I realize that these guys don't get it. It uses a lot of character and literary devices that you never see in these kinds of films. I really enjoyed the dialog - sometimes there's too much exposition, but the story forces you to stay on your toes. Its not a movie for lazy viewers like that one guy who said there was no continuity cause Cash gets stabbed in one scene and in the next there is no wound. There's no wound because it skips back earlier in the day before he got hurt. But it's hard to follow until three quarters of the way through the movie when all the stories come together and you realize what the filmmakers have been doing. Bullets is a different kind of action movie - the plot is pretty basic revenge story, but the way it's told is what makes it special. I agree that Bullets shouldn't be compared to Tarantino, but really its hard not to. It's got revolving story lines, jumps through time, and its chock full of blood and gore. But the blood and guts are supposed to be campy - thats what makes it fun. I think some people take the movie way to seriously, especially when the movie doesn't take itself that seriously. He kills a guy with his own broken bone, I mean come on people! It ain't the Shawshank Redemption! Maybe its not Tarantino - but its pretty damn cool.
voiceacrobat I've seen a lot of movies, I've seen a lot of action movies. I've seen Hollywood and Indie movies. I've seen good movies and horrible movies. Bullets is a great movie, for several reasons. First of all it is ENTERTAINING as hell! The bottom line, when you see a movie you want to feel like you got your money's worth, or in this case your cold hard CASH's worth. Minute for minute, punch for punch, shot for shot Bullets delivers entertainment! Big Time! Another reason Bullets straight up Rocks is that fact that it is a truly independent film. Akina Films, the film production company that made Bullets, calls it "The most ruthless independent film ever made!" That could be an arguable statement, I mean I haven't seen EVERY film ever made so who knows maybe there is another more ruthless indie out there, but not one that I've ever seen! But, how true Akina Films own take on their film may be, it is a TRUE independent film. You ever notice how there are all these "idependent films" out there that were made for like $25 million with a HUGE star attached? To me that's not REALLY independent, that's just a movie that wasn't made by a big studio. Bullet's on the other hand DEFINES the true meaning of the word "independent". If I had to guess just from what I saw on the screen, I would say the budget for Bullets was maybe $1-2 million but I heard it was more like less than $100 thousand! There are no Hollywood Stars in this movie, but I wouldn't be surprised if this movie helped make a star out of a few of the actors because the acting is, for the most part incredible. The cinematography is straight up DOPE, and the story is not only satisfying, but has some great twists. The bottom line is that if you are a Tarantino or a Guy Ritchie fan, you should not only SEE this movie in the theater, but when it's available on DVD you should flip some flow and add this to your collection! Bullet's, Blood and a Fistful of Ca$h, I give Two Fists Straight UP!

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