Really Surprised!
It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Orla Zuniga
It is interesting even when nothing much happens, which is for most of its 3-hour running time. Read full review
One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
What makes a movie to be considered "good" or "excellent"? Photography? Sure.. Great acting? Certainly. A scenario that makes you think and consider your life so far? Propably. Famous actors? Sure that will help. Intense dramatic moments that will make you cry like baby? Definitely. A memorable music score? Ennio Moriccone would agree.. Well..This movie has (almost) nothing of that..It has the simplest of scenarios..An adult man that lives a normal life decides to look after an orphan little girl. Hm...How many times have we seen that ? Couldn't bother to count..Too many...But it kept me smiling like an idiot (almost) for the whole duration. Seriously it transformed a 35yo man into a 12yo giggling little girl. No big dramatic moments...I mean nobody gets hurt and nobody dies, nobody suffers from an incurable disease... But the drama is there..Subtle as it should be. If you are a parent then you can seriously relate and you will propably cry when Rin asks the hard questions to Daikichi. "Will you die too?" How do you answer to that question to your 6yo girl? I can't. Comedic moments are there too. Nothing overly hilarious, just enough to keep the movie going. Again you will be reminded of your childhood.. For me this is the best movie about parenting ever made (ok the best I ever seen). If you want a film that will sent you to bed with a happy warm feeling after a bad day in the office then that's your choice.Pros: It's faithful to the original material. Rin is the cutest girl and Ken'ichi Matsuyama portrays Daikichi brilliantly.Simple story not unnecessary drama or slapstick comedy.Does't become boring at any point. No need to skip anything.Cons: Maybe a bit childish at times.They tried to replicate the anime in some scenes. Anime and liveaction have different techniques . You can't make a real human act like an animated character and expect the same effect.
The story is more into drama than a movie, basically it tells a single collar worker bachelor changed his life when he has to take care his aunt who is around 5/6th because nobody wants to take care of her. Kenichi acted well as an ordinary person with soft heart for kids, his character tried to adjust life with kid and taking care of his aunt like his own daughter, sacrifice was needed but he did it whole-heartily. Not many problem arise since it focused more on the concept of trying to accept the responsibility once you have kid that you cannot just overthrow outside.It is a happy ending between those two father-daughter relationship. Not so great movie but overall I enjoyed it.