Bunshinsaba: Ouija Board

5.6| 1h32m| en

Yu-jin and her blind mother move to a small village from Seoul. On her first day at the new school, Yu-jin gets picked on by her classmates. Along with other victims of hatred, Yu-jin puts a curse on the four girls tormenting them through a Ouija Board. On her second day at school, one of the spellbound bursts into flames and dies just as she sits down where Yu-jin used the board. Next day, another victim burns to death, and now the school is enclosed by horror.


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ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Janae Milner Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Imaculata Bunshinsaba is your typical long-haired ghost-girl trope horror movie, that runs out of steam really fast. It has a very good first act, and is well directed, well lit, and does not rely on special effects. It also has an original premise, and is well acted. I especially liked the opening, which wasted no time to get right to the premise of the movie. The problem is, that the movie quickly turns into a paint-by-numbers of The Ring. A lot of the foreshadowing (if you can even call it that) is so obvious, that if there were any surprises or twists in the second act, they are long gone before you even get there. The movie also over-indulges in dramatic lightning strikes during close ups, and shows the ghosts way too much. This sucks the suspense right out of the movie. Halfway through the film, it started to drag, and I just wanted the movie to end. One of the movie's main problems, is that there are no stakes in the third act. The main characters have no means of stopping the ghost, and thus there is no tension. We're basically just watching the ghost kill a lot of characters that we don't like any way, with no means for the main characters of stopping her. No stakes or likable victims, means no suspense. It's a shame, because the movie is well directed, well shot, and has great use of scene lighting. I even liked the music that played over the ending credits, before it was interrupted by a standard Asian pop song. But I can't really recommend this movie. It's not bad, it's just sub par.
Anmol Rawat Well is there anything we haven't seen before? The answer is simple 'NO'. As the plot suggests, the whole movie revolves in the consequences. As any other Asian movie you'll find the same girl with long hair coming over and over on the screen to frighten you with some acoustic bass and creepy sounds. Here the problem is that it repeats again and again with very low scare scale. The story is pretty simple and there's nothing much to expect. Still it manages to keep us awake with the screenplay. They should have modified the story and presented with some surprises as the basic idea of horror i.e. the woman with long hair fails here. The atmosphere which builds is definitely creepy to some extent but not up to the mark. The theme is also the old lame revenge of ghost type which makes it just an average movie who might be able to frighten amateurs.
Swetimas I love Asian horror movies. It never gets bored. Although it never gets original (so far (I'm talking about ghosts (long black hair covering the face and strange noises))). But still "Bunshinsaba" scared the crap out of me. Wonderful performances creepy soundtrack nice tense and scary girls - that's all what Asian horror has and thats all what you need to get frightened. "Bunshinsaba" disappointed me a bit at the end. I wasn't expecting the cruel assassination. I thing it would have been better if they finished story tale with a "bad guy" (or should I say "bad girl") as a ghost not as a human killer. "Bunshinsaba" is a great movie. And I advice you to see it. If you like Asian horror as much as I do then I give you 100% that you'll enjoy it. Good luck and have fun. Or should I say "be scared", cause watching this flick you absolutely will...
yojimbo999 Seriously, I don't know why they even bother. This film basically transplants every single cliché of the genre and throws it into one big melting pot, slap on a big budget and glossy look, and expect people to fall for it. If you're a clueless schmuck you'll be scared.If you've seen even ONE little Asian horror in the last 10 years, you'll liable to roll your eyes and think to yourself, "Geez, can't they even try to be a little more original? Oh, look, the ghost has her long hair drooping over her head again. And oh look, she's doing the 'slow look up to reveal her ghostly eyes' gag again."In fact, the whole movie consists of the ghost appearing with her hair over her face then slowly looking up to reveal her eyes while the director throws some "scary" music at you. Seriously, folks, it's almost insulting just how unoriginal and cliché this movie is.