
1998 "We're All Zombies in the End..."
3.7| 1h8m| NR| en

The gun-totin', Bible-thumpin' Preacher Man Bob (Mojo Nixon) must right the universal karma accidently set wrong when Brian inadvertantlty kills his obnoxious butt-cleavaged roommate, Wade.


Mojo Nixon


Producted By

Desert Dog Films


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Inclubabu Plot so thin, it passes unnoticed.
Konterr Brilliant and touching
Teringer An Exercise In Nonsense
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
jonm11100 The first 30 minutes or so of this movie was priceless. The Obnoxiousness of Wade is classic. If you haven't seen this yet and are in the mood to laugh hard, you gotta see this one. Sure, its low budget and you can tell it but it is so funny that after you start watching, you forget all about the low budget quality. Mojo Nixon does a great job of playing Preacher Man Bob, and there are even some Mojo Nixon songs during the movie.(Why does IMDb require reviewers to write 10 lines of text? I would think the less text entered, the more room they would have on their server. It's kind of annoying. That's why I'm rambling now. I made my point about the movie in the first five lines.) Anyway, yes you owe it to yourself to see this movie at least once. After you do, you will be inviting your friends over to watch it!
eyesofsociety this was a great movie, for being so short of a movie! i've seen this one 2 or 3 times and it doesn't get old. for the budget that this movie looks like it had, it was excellent. my favorite character was the preacher, with his obnoxious southern preaching and his dancing for the lord, haha. i just wish all troma movies were like this one (if only sgt kabuki man was as short as this one, it would have probably been good). highly recommended and it doesn't even take long to watch.
Jack the Ripper1888 I saw this at Best Buy the other day and I figured that this is probably another one of those movies "that are so dumb, they're good". Yeah, I was right. Made a budget of what looks to be about 10 dollars, BUTTCRACK is one of the best indie flicks I have ever has the misfortune of seeing.Director Jim Larsen didn't even have to pay his 'actors' in this movie. Some supposed musician, Mojo Nixon (I have no clue who he is) also stars in this movie as a crazy preacher.Simply put, this is one of the best zombie/horror/comedy/voodoo films I have ever seen. The camera work is not all that bad and the sound is actually pretty good for a film such as this. I was expecting for the movie to have terrible cinematography and sound editing. It's a good thing I was wrong.You should see this movie. It's wildly cool. BUTTCRACK: 5/5.
djfabush I happen to like this movie for the sheer joy of watching an indi. film that looks like it was made for $15 or so. the roommate's voice makes you want to kill him and the girlfriend is a total pain in the ass. i kinda hope the make part two, i would watch it out of pure morbid curiosity.

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