Camp Daze

2005 "Summer, 1981. Welcome to Camp Hiawatha."
3.6| 1h34m| R| en

While searching for a way out of the woods, a group of lost friends stumble upon Camp Hiawatha and take up with the teens who are bunking there. But the party's over when they discover that this camp is literally stuck in a time warp -- 1981, to be exact -- and that they're living the same horrible day over and over. Can they escape the wrath of a killer who's silently stalking the campers and their terrified counselors?


Producted By

Screamkings Productions


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NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Tayyab Torres Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
tuckywoodproductions I will say that unlike most comments, I liked the look of this movie. The time warp thing should have been used more. After it was introduced, they never really done anything else with it.The gore was pretty lame. Every kill was almost the same. Maybe a little cherry pie filling coming out of the mouth. The score was pretty nice. The composer did a great job with the 80's themed music and the use of strings, which really captured the sound of the 80's slasher. I agree with the other comments with the over use of close ups. It's like they had a camera mounted Mic and were trying to stay in close enough range for the best audio. I think these filmmakers have some talent, I think they just need to concentrate more on good audio, and developing a solid plot.
BA_Harrison The synopsis for Camp Daze sounded like a lot of fun: four vacationing teenagers somehow end up in a supernatural summer camp that is trapped in time (circa 1981), where they attempt to help the not-so-happy holiday-makers who are forced to endlessly re-live the night they were slaughtered by a mysterious maniac.And so I eagerly settled down to watch the film, hoping for a brainless slasher flick, with a time travel twist, shot in an 80s style, featuring summer camp fun and games, a touch of nudity, a psycho killer in the woods, and plenty of gore. Sure enough, Camp Daze delivered all of these things—although it wasn't EXACTLY what I had been expecting.The summer camp activities included the usual sporting events, a campfire sing-song, a spot of amateur dramatics, and frolicking by the lake, as well as the obligatory bit of 'not-on-the-camp-schedule' slap-and-tickle and pot smoking. But why did so many of these moments feature the young men in very short shorts and stripped to the waist?The one sex scene at least had a hot babe getting it one with her beau (before being killed, of course). But why was the camera focusing on the bloke's abs rather than the girls chest (which for some reason remained covered)?Eventually, the penny dropped: this was a slasher film made with a particular audience in mind and I wasn't going to see any naked screaming girls running for their lives, or taking unnecessary showers. The clues had been there from the start: the film was produced by Screamkings (a play on the term 'scream queen') and even the title had the word 'camp' in it (doh! I must get my gaydar fixed).Accepting the fact that this film was likely to feature even more buff bare-chested boys than a Victor Salva movie, I watched the rest of this homo-erotic horror hoping that it would at least deliver in the gore department.Fat chance! Whilst there is a lot of enthusiastic killing (including some silly, but inventive demises which earn the film a higher rating from me than it probably really deserves), they aren't nearly as convincing as they are funny. The actors ham up their death scenes something rotten, fake blood is liberally splashed about and there are a few rather hokey effects that could never be described as 'special'.In fact, with dreadful acting all round, an awful script, annoying characters (the black girl who was swearing as if she was in a Tarantino film was especially grating), and a running time of 110 minutes (sheesh!), this film has very little to recommend it. If pushed to say something really positive about it, I will admit that the music is good, but seeing as the score has apparently been ripped off from several other movies, this doesn't really mean that much.
impulseyj Bloody awful, I say that.My first impression after watching the first few minutes after the prelude was.."Dude, this movie must be for all those people who talk like this.. or people who hate people who talk like this, cause I already know at least three of em' are gonna die." Was I right or was I right? Although I was having a few hopes that they'd all just die.Anyway, it was an easily commentable film, and an easily predicable film.. or home movie. As others have said, and I agree.. Drinking game.There were some pretty god awful plot points in this film as well, plus, the whole.. Rehersial was pointless. I suppose the point of this random gore-fest was just for the sake of adding random gorefests? Anyway, following this, the whole killing starts and we start the time warp, in which when I realized they went back in time I'm laughing and singing "time warp" from rocky horror...Another small problem. What's the motive? Are they just all psychotic, the two councilors that start all the killing and persuade the other two into doing it with them...There wasn't much explanation...
shaun fogerty In watching camp daze aka: camp slaughter, I noticed the usual pitfalls of renting a direct to video horror flick. poor video quality, bad sound and corny acting by some of the actors. However In some twisted way it almost helps out this film. The story is supposed to be an homage to slasher films of the 80's. Crappy camera work and cheesy acting ran rampant in those films so even tho I'm sure its not what the director was intending The crappy film quality sets the mood of a vintage horror film even more. I'll admit the the storyline and action are a bit hodge-podge and certain parts don't seem to flow well but all in all I enjoyed this stupid little film. The 80's outfits and old camp cabins really worked well in my opinion and certain death scenes are pretty cool. This movie wont scare anyone over the age of 4 but than again If your watching direct to video horror flicks your probably not scared of horror films anymore and are just a fan of scary movies. However One of the neatest things about this movie are the extras. Some of the behind the scenes extras are hilarious. So at any rate If you want to see one of the more enjoyable direct to video horror films than I'd say rent it. But If you actually want a movie with an involving storyline and real scares stay away. For fans who appreciate 80's slashers only.

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