Can I Do It Till I Need Glasses?

1977 "It's the nuttiest, naughtiest, looniest, gooniest, funniest madcap comedy of the year!"
4.2| 1h13m| R| en

A comedy comprised of short sexually suggestive skits.


Producted By

Dauntless Productions


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Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Merolliv I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.
Neive Bellamy Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
Casey Duggan It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
movieman_kev No real plot to this one, just a series of short skits acting out some VERY old jokes. I chuckled once or twice in the beginning, much to my chagrin. But even at only 73 minutes this film wears out it's welcome before too long and becomes stale and tedious (with some nudity sprinkled in here and there to keep you awake). Still as bad as this movie is (and that's pretty putrid), it's a comedic gem compared to pretty much ANYthing by Aaron Seltzer & Jason Friedberg (Date movie, Epic movie, Meet the Spartans) Also the song is sadly kind of catchy in a sad way.Eye Candy: 11 pair of tits, 3 bushes, 3 asses My Grade: D Code Red DVD Extras: Original trailer for this film; and trailers for "Beyond the Door", "Dead Pit", "the Farmer", "obsessed Ones", "Power Play", "Sole Survivor", & "Wacky Taxi"
pimp4u Right up there with Groove Tube and Kentucky Fried Movie, 'Till I Need Glasses acts out on every old ribald joke you've ever heard. Non-stop from the beginning to the end, there is never a moment's rest.This is a sequel to the movie 'If you don't stop it you'll go blind'. Humorously titled 'Can I do it till I need glasses', the titles form a joke in themselves. There's not a frame that is not exposed with comedy.I saw this when I was a teenager, and later married the girl I saw it with. I think this movie had a lot to do with that. But I like it anyway.Plenty of sexual situations, mostly showing boobies.This is a classic from the 70's, as the attire will attest. I'm going to rate it a MUST-SEE for anyone from 14 to 114. Find it on eBay or wherever and share it with your friends. You'll all truly enjoy it.
paz9 Yeah, the jokes are old and silly, yeah, there's no continuity. But I remember seeing it in a theater, that last 20 minute skit, the longest one, was gut-busting and so hilariously funny that it was worth the wait. I have never cried tears of laughter so hard before or since.Everything else about the movie is dumb. It is hard to imagine how it was ever financed. I remember the reviews of the time putting it down and calling it a big dirty joke in the poorest taste. Well, yes, every sketch is an unoriginal 5th grade toilet joke. Everyone, except the last. That is a 6th grade toilet joke. But the joke is acted out and drawn out and actually something comparable to a vignette from Woody Allen's "Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Sex", only way funnier, if you can imagine that.
jbels This movie seems to have been made from a very old dirty joke book. You can see the punchlines coming a mile a way, and yet there is something strangely charming about this movie. Perhaps it's the fact that something like this could never be made today. All I know is that The Little Red Riding Hood skit made me laugh so loud, I had to rewind it and watch it again. If nothing else, it is only 70 minutes long, so if you hate it, it won't be two hours of torture like most movies.

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