
2015 "Some games should never be played..."
5.4| 1h23m| NR| en

A social gathering is rocked to its core when Jack accuses his best friend's wife of infidelity. But as the allegations start flying, it soon emerges that a far more sinister game may be at play...


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Also starring Nigel Thomas

Also starring Isla Ure


Dorathen Better Late Then Never
filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Jakoba True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
Paul Evans It surprises me that the whodunit genre seems to have vanished, with very few TV productions, and even fewer movies, a genre at one stage that was very strong. However now and then, a film like Candlestick pops up. It has all the elements of a good mystery, plot, characters, a slightly unhinged presence and a twist at the end. It looks very stylish, despite the low budget. It's well acted, perhaps not as glossy as could be, but that raw charm adds to the appeal. Andrew Fitch does a particularly fine job, enjoyed his performance very much. The Dial M for Murder influence is ever present, hats of the the writers, there is a touch of cleverness about this movie that makes it rather addictive. I love the seventies and eighties mysteries, the likes of Frances Durbridge, Ruth Rendell and Brian Clemens, Candlestick has that feel, the multi layered story with a sting in the tale.Very impressed, 8/10
dafrosts The beginning prattles on a bit. Andrew Fitch is Jack, a rather pretentious fellow who sees himself above those around him. Jack is carrying on an affair with Vera, the wife of his BFF. Jack despises her use of a cell phone. He would not shackle himself to such a device. He purposely keeps one of her earrings to use at a later convenience. Vera doesn't know the half of it wen she mentions Jack is less than sentimental. Jack invites his uncle, Major Burns, a respected investigator; Vera; BFF Frank and Inspector Marcus Evans to a night of dining and games. Uncle Burns is a thorn in Jack's side. Jack views him as pompous (the irony is obviously lost on Jack. BFF Frank is the next to arrive. Jack seems disappointed when Vera arrives ahead of the Inspector. Nonetheless, Jack continues his mind games despite the upset. The movie drags a bit then Jack livens things up with discussion of a "Perfect Murder" (Which most of know is not possible) and not so nonchalantly informing Frank that Vera is having an affair. Jack conveniently omits that he is her lover, of course. He merely wants to see Frank's reaction. Heated commentary ensues. Vera does her best to deny the affair. Frank isn't buying any of it. Jack is of course delighted at the interaction. Emotions flare and conversation goes too far, as it often does in these situations. Frank commits the ultimate sin, for which Jack cannot hide his glee. Jack's glee is short lived as things between Frank and Vera didn't end as planned. Jack believes he's rectified things just moments before the police arrive. The ending is reminiscent of Hitchcock involving Frank's cellphone.
hero-11 Candlestick by it's name alone, instantly brings to mind the game of Clue along with an old-fashioned British murder mystery and the ultimate question of "whodunnit?" Although, in this film it's more about the unfolding twists and turns than a simple classic whodunnit. No drafty old mansions for this movie, filmed on a one set location in the style that brings to mind some of Hitchcock's oldies but goodies -- this is a contemporary murder mystery beautifully filmed in a contemporary setting. The cast is excellent, performing in the theatrical British style required -- while the film score is outstanding!!! Writer/ Director Christopher Presswell and Co- Writer Andres Forgacs have created an extremely impressive film on an Indie budget!!! Kudos indeed!!!
tobyhubner I have to admit this is not my favourite genre, I'm a comedy man, but my DAUGHTER, who is all of 12 years old, loves these movies so we watched and had a great time digging into a bowl of popcorn and digging our nails into each other, this movie really delivers on the spooky suspense and takes a familiar genre and plot setting that everyone can relate to and turns it on its head...the filmmaking and particularly the SOUND is fantastic, I don't know how they got such great sound on a low budget but the sound contributes to the creepy suspense and finally drives you to the edge of your seat, without spoiling or giving away anything its highly recommended this film achieves what Hollywood films can only hope to achieve;...real people; real actors ...real suspense.