Captain Battle: Legacy War

2013 "A Hero From the Past will Save our Future"
1.3| 1h30m| PG| en

By adopting the experimental drug while the military, battle of Sam followed in the footsteps of the super hero of World War II, known great-grandfather, as his battle CAPTAIN. Drug turns him into super-being and intelligence beyond that of an ordinary human strength, and agility. After his service, he returns home to home over to the ruthless neo-Nazi thugs by referring to the mastermind of evil known as the service is Necromancer. Third Reich is equipped again raise re-animation by Himmler them. Sam only, as captain of the battle, will be able to save them!


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BroadcastChic Excellent, a Must See
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Roman Sampson One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Benas Mcloughlin Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
Evil-Lee-666 After watching this Movie 5 times in a weekend (my buddy & I told friends it was the best movie ever made, a must see) I am still undecided as to the actual agenda of this movie. Is it......Option 1: Its a tribute to every bad movie ever made using every bad camera shot, bad effects, really bad editing & some seriously depressing acting (if this is the case then its Genius) Option 2: Its simply the worst movie ever made period (if this is the case then someone needs shooting or stopped from having any offspring for the sake of Humanity in general) As for the storyline......well its a Captain America rip off almost from start to end.It was funny the first time I watched it & the fun aspect shrunk with every viewing to the point where suicide was a viable option. Its fairly obvious that they blew the entire budget on the Car & the Chicks with nothing left for the effects or editing. I am lost for words as to how I express my level of pity towards this movie.
darkSPY666 This movie has a lower IMDb rating that 'The Hottie & the Nottie' starring the awful Paris Hilton. Need I say more!? OK, the entire movie looks like it was shot by a ten year old who has stolen his father's camcorder. The 'effects' (if you can call them that) were done by someone who has only just began learning the very basics of After Effects and the script was written by a complete moron! How these so-called 'movies' ever get the money to be produced is completely beyond any reasonable comprehension. When you hear about very talented filmmakers and struggling directors desperately trying to make their way in the business, then seeing utter junk like this, you wonder what kind of twisted logic exists in the movie industry.Avoid, at ALL costs. Do NOT pay to watch this movie. In fact, don't even bother wasting your bandwidth to download a pirated version.Seriously bad!
Cassandra Kelsey Nazis, strippers, actors who look like they should be in porn, bargain basement special effects, dodgy costumes and really silly music= Captain BattleSam Battle has a had a bit of a hard time in Iraq, he has a horrible injury and his good pal Dr Storm injects him with BS serum. He falls into a coma and goes home to the US of A where he recovers miraculously. Next he learns that Nazis are taking over his town and the shenanigans begin in earnest. Evil skinheads run amok under the command of their buxom MILF commander who minces around in fetish gear barking orders with a voice only slightly less annoying than Kim Kardashian's. Some sort of plot is attempted next! Nazi MILF wants to get her monkey paws on the BS serum and abducts Dr Storm (dun dun DUUUN!) Sam Battle now must discover his family legacy and save the day. I like to think that this movie has some redeeming features, because I spent a couple of hours of my life on it so I will try to be as merciful as I can. It is fairly funny, if you are in the right sort of mood for watching something with production values which are completely dire. The script is awful, the acting is awful and that can have it's own charm if you happen to be off your face or something. Let's face it nobody wants to watch Schindler's List when they are inebriated, with that in mind it could be a great movie to watch after crawling home from the pub or if you happen to be a stoner. I gave it 3 out of 10 because it could be funny under the right circumstances and there was at least an attempt at a story. Watch it sober at your own risk though, you have been warned.
satanclaw This is possibly the worst movie I have ever seen. The trouble is, where to begin....I suppose the start of the movie is a good place for me to tear into the many, or should I say countless flaws of this movie.Well, it starts out with a "high speed pursuit on dirt roads" that in reality is cars going 10 mph, over a field, with BADLY(I could make more realistic flames with MS Paint) made computer animated muzzle flashes coming out of pistols and assault rifles. Next up is a "bazooka" like device that you could actually see straight through before it fired, topping it off with an explosion that basically is a car, with badly made computer animated flames superimposed over it.My opinion on the opening credits that follow this awful "intro" is as following: The best part of the entire movie could be the cartoon part in the opening credits.The rest of the movie follows the example made in the intro...Bad camera editing, bad acting, bad lighting conditions, bad sound, bad "special effect", I say special, but they are hardly special, turning on the sepia and negative mode on a camera can hardly be defined as special? Can they? At best, this movie has "effects". Bad makeup, painting a guy red in the face with food coloring isn't really makeup is it ? Do NOT get me started on plot, plot holes, storyline and so on, because there is none, If I hadn't previously watched Captain America, I would be lost on several occasions, because this movie assumes that you know a lot of things up front.Basically if you value your sanity, stay clear. The only reason for watching this is to be able to say, "That movie sucked almost as bad as Captain Battle: Legacy War" later in life.....In conclusion: Arnold Schwarzenegger's, "Hercules in New York" from 1969 is a masterpiece compared to this..