Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
Absolutely amazing
Hayleigh Joseph
This is ultimately a movie about the very bad things that can happen when we don't address our unease, when we just try to brush it off, whether that's to fit in or to preserve our self-image.
Cissy Évelyne
It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
Not a bad Bad Cop Movie. It is a rather deep excursion exploring the immoral Minds of fallen Law Enforcement Officers trapped in an Underworld of Corruption, Maniacs, Drug and Alcohol Abusers, and to add even more Deviltry, the proverbial Femme Fatale.This is an overwrought and disjointed Neo-Noir that has some really riveting Scenes but it's undercurrent is undercut by some rather Wordy Dialog and sloppy Montage. It starts out with Flashbacks clearly time stamped but this clarity is quickly abandon and these happen rapidly and at random. This lends itself to unneeded confusion in an already top-heavy amount of Characters and undeveloped situations.There is some good Acting that at times approaches mimicry of Stereotype, but overall these are engaging Thugs and Cops. It has some good Atmospheric touches and is shot in an appropriately dim and gloomy Style. It is quite engrossing but is hampered somewhat by a rapid pace, too many participants and could have used more exposition.
This is not the best or greatest dirty cop movie ever made; it is not even a traditionally "great" film, yet it holds your attention straight through. There is something about the rhythm of the film and performances that are, at times, mesmerizing to watch.How is that? I am still trying to figure it out, but watch for the following:1) Chris Penn delivers one of his best, truest performances; one that is on par with "The Funeral", in that it is just a tortured character played purely without clichés.2) It presents the gritty underworld of Los Angeles without even a hint of Hollywood or elite characters. 3) Henry Czerny. Where did he come from? I have no idea, but you will try to find his other work after watching Cement.4) The feel of the movie is right, there is nothing bright or shiny. The story is that of a dark, intense life and the atmosphere created fits perfectly.The film is not for everyone! You will not end a viewing feeling all is right with the world, whistling happy tunes, OK? It is a gritty film with amazing performances, do not expect laughs or feel good moments. If you like Abel Ferrara (King of New York, Bad Lieutenant, Funeral) or early Scorsese (Mean Streets, Taxi Driver), see this!
guil fisher
This has to be one of the worst movies I've ever seen. This writer and director think that killing, beating up, torturing people is entertainment. And if I have to look at one more close-up of that overweight actor Chris Penn, I'll get sick. No expression on his face, and I guess he's acting, you can't tell. Unfortunately the only person who I admired is buried in cement. Another useless purpose in telling a story. Cops are awful people. Worse than the gangsters they are in league with. Then there's this character that just seems to wander around in the film. Don't think he even knows what's going on. He then kneels down to the dead Penn and asks him to breathe. He ends up beating up on a corpse. This gets the worst acting award of the year. You want them all to get off the screen, they're that bad. I won't even give credits here. Don't waste your time with this garbage. Then there are the two cops that go around killing everybody in the film. Another guy blows his head off. Another character is nuts. You take it from there. Please, just take it.
George Parker
"Cement" is a bad movie about a bad cop (Penn) with a bad attitude and a bad disposition who has a bad guy in a bad way up to his cajones in fast drying concrete. While we're waiting for the cement to dry and the film to figure out what it's about, we're periodically jerked back in time without rhyme or reason so we can watch events leading up to the cement thing. A boring junk flick overall, "Cement" suffers from lack of a story, a clumsy execution, and that most ubiquitous of filmdom's faults; no reason to care. A time killer for the needy couch potato at best. (D+)