Centipede Horror

5.4| 1h33m| en

A crazed evil wizard uses his powers to take revenge on beautiful women by making them vomit up live centipedes, which then proceed to eat their victims.


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Nikko Int'l Productions & Films (H.K.) Ltd.


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Alicia I love this movie so much
NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Lela The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.
jadavix A young woman travels to "SE Asia" (country never divulged) despite her elders warning her never to go there. She is then apparently the victim of a curse or "spell" that causes her body to spew centipedes which quickly turn on their host.The woman's brother travels around the same "SE Asian" country trying to undo the curse while we are treated to more centipede-spewing, some coming out the mouth, others, apparently, coming out the vagina swimming in menstrual blood.I will say that however much the actress was paid who had centipedes coming out of her mouth - and crawling back in there - wasn't enough.Other than that all that the movie really has to offer are some interesting black magic sequences, but these pale in comparison to the classic Shaw Bros. movie, "Boxer's Omen".Some of my difficulty with the movie may have admittedly been due to the typically obtuse subtitles, which would be familiar to any fan of HK movies. You know the ones, with the Asian characters on top and English beneath them. The English is generally poorly translated, but that's not the biggest problem: the subtitles are white and so are many of the movie's scenes, making some of the subtitles impossible to read.
Dirt_Britland Horror/science fiction films have rarely been singled out for the quality of the acting in them. Over the decades, a couple of "monsters" have been tapped for praise: Fredric March won an Oscar for his turn at Jekyll and Hyde, & Jeff Goldblum was rightly seen as an example of "inspired casting" in David Cronenberg's remake of _The Fly_.But I think Din Long Lee has them both beat.I enjoy _The Centipede Horror_ overall, but it is Miss Lee's performance as Margaret A. Li that lifts it out of the stratosphere for me. I mean, sweet f@ck all, _look_ at her! This is an incredibly painful and, yes, passionate portrait of a woman whose _body_ is being taken over and is changing into something else, even as he fights to retain possession of it. What might such a battle _feel_ like? Miss Lee lets you know, and in doing so anchors an almost cliché science-fiction "what if ...?" in raw human nerve endings. Watch her battle the frightening desires that overcome her; watch her try to remain ... human.Nigel Wang's imagination and profoundly innovative writing places this "film" right up there with the Necronomicon. This show is an unwanted (because still deeply disturbing) memory. If I could go back to how I was before seeing it, Heaven knows, I would --as it has left me paralyzed by existential dread. Which quite simply isn't right.Extremely frightening, even on the small screen. A woman incurs the attention of some indifferent Evil out of antiquity. Two of her envoys are killed and a third found in an especially disorientated state. She slowly metamorphosises into an unpleasant alien being, half cactus -half God knows what. Others have classified this as a _"gross out"_ film, but in faith it transcends even mere _horror_ as a genre, and seeps into the mind, establishing itself, by slow degrees, as nothing less than the most refined & unrelenting example of what can only be deemed pure, unalloyed Terror.
Mahatma Fabrizi I write this comment almost 12 days after watching this movie and still there is a sense of discomfort about this movie, when I think of the way it ended. Very frankly "Centipede Horror" freaked me out. Seen a lot of Din Long Lee (Hong Kong Police Madame 3) vehicles, but this one, Dang!!!! really put me off. First of all the movie is paced so slowly that it kinds of puts off track and then last 30 minutes just blows you off, with a last few scenes taking the cake. This in no way can be described as a family picture, rather, it is a movie for psychos whose time might be better spent getting their noggins looked at. With decent acting from all of them. I give this one nevertheless a 0/10 just for sheer bad vibes...Steer clear.
HumanoidOfFlesh Kay,a young woman,goes on vacation to South East Asia,which turns out to be a fatal mistake.She certainly wishes to be far far away when countless centipedes attack her.Kay lives through it,but not for long.In the hospital,her body is slowly decaying and she finally dies when the worms crawl out of her open wounds.Her brother Pak does research work and discovers that probably a 'centipede spell' was cast upon his sister.Could this all have to do with a mysterious fire his grandfather was involved in fifty years ago, that caused the death of three people?After finding out the truth,Pak and his girlfriend are in serious danger,when the centipedes attack once more..."Centipede Horror" is a gross HK horror film directed by Keith Li.The scene in which poor woman begins to vomit up centipedes is extremely disgusting.The special effects are pretty good and there is plenty of Asian weirdness.Check it out.7 out of 10.