
2004 "Deep In The Earth Terror Awaits"
3.2| 1h36m| R| en

David and his adventurous group of friends embark upon a caving expedition within the deep and treacherous Shankali Caverns of India. As the group descends deep into the caves, they discover they have trapped themselves within the breeding den of giant black centipedes.


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Also starring Larry Casey

Also starring Margaret Cash


Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Reptileenbu Did you people see the same film I saw?
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Woodyanders A group of friends who embark on a caving expedition in the Shankali Caverns in India run afoul of vicious and voracious giant mutant centipedes. Boy, does this gloriously ghastly celluloid refuse possess all the right wrong stuff to qualify as a real four-star stinkeroonie: Totally all-thumbs (mis)direction by Gregory Gieras (who also wrote the lousy straight-down-the-line predictable'n'preposterous script), pathetically unconvincing Styrofoam cave sets, annoying and unlikable characters who you want to see all die in the most brutal and gruesome manner imaginable, zero tension or creepy atmosphere, ineptly staged monster attack scenes, extremely obvious and ridiculous puppet beasts, laughable tin-eared dialogue ("Freaking rocks bit him, dude -- stalactites or something!"), a ludicrous premise that's treated with endearingly misguided seriousness, and a simply incredible explosive climax. The deliciously dreadful acting from a game, but lame no-name cast further enhances the considerable campy charm of this clunker, with especially abominable work from Larry Casey as virtuous dork David Stone, gorgeous brunette stunner Margaret Cash as sassy'n'sexy babe Sara (Cash more than compensates for her woeful lack of thespic skills by busting some mad hot moves during a sizzling dance set piece and looks mighty fine in her cut-off shirt and skimpy short shorts), Trevor Murphy as the easygoing Jake, George Foster as obnoxious hipster Dirk Doggett, Matthew Pohlson as cool fellow Owen, Danielle Kirlin as brash groovy chick Zoe, Steve Herd as insufferably whiny wimp Matt (who thankfully gets bumped off first), and Satish Sharma as jolly native guide Kafi. The dynamic score by Ajayan Vincent hits the heart-pounding rousing spot. A hilariously horrendous hoot and a half.
PeterGriffinLives I can't help but wonder, did they attempt to base this thing on the centipede video game? Anyway...The film centers around a group of friends who, to celebrate the upcoming marriage of one of the group members, decide to go caving in a remote, extremely deep cave system. What could possibly go wrong?This could actually have been cool. Those who know invertebrates realize that centipedes are powerful predators, and that a centipede the size of an anaconda would be terrifying, but bringing such a beast to life was just too much of a challenge for these filmmakers. From the beginning of the movie, they do whatever they can to hurt your suspension of disbelief. For example, this movie is supposed to be set in India, yet all of the Indian characters speak English...when talking to each other! I'm pretty certain that soldiers in the Indian army don't speak English when talking amongst themselves far from any Americans. In addition, the cave sets look fake and the centipedes themselves, when they are finally revealed, look like...well...puppets of some kind. It's not pretty."Centipede!" gains two stars because, first, it is so horrible it will make you laugh. Second, the actors are far better than you think from watching the movie. Think about it for a minute: would YOU be able to act scared, or even concerned, while being chased by a giant puppet?
cwoliver-1 OK, OK - I'm an idiot. I should have known that any movie requiring punctuation in its title (i.e. !) is of questionable quality. It is clear that the writer, one Mr. Gregory Gieras, spent minutes upon minutes researching the means and methods used by cavers. This becomes apparent the moment the soon-to-be Purina Bug Chow enter the cave. Sara and David take a full 3 seconds to tie off their belay lines and then "jump" into the abyss - hardly a method one would expect of prudent cavers. And the dialog was priceless. "Dirk, Sara, Owen, you guys go north. Jake, Zoe, and I will head south. Look for an up-shaft. Copy?" Copy? Copy?! Did he actually say, copy? Is David a wanna-be astronaut? What a hoot. But they did find a shaft . . . and the audience got it. The funniest part of the movie was the final scene when the caving "experts" turn out to be explosives "experts" as well. Caves and explosives - I wish they'd offered these classes at my school.I just have to ask; Did the actors do their own climbing, or did the climbers do their own acting? It's hard to tell.If you have an hour or two to kill you might consider watching this or you could do something really entertaining like conducting evolution experiments in your refrigerator.
userray2305 Centipede tells the story of a group of adventurers who find themselves trapped inside the Shankali Cavern with a giant centipede lurking and out to kill. When the story begins, the main character, David, is about to marry and give up his adventurous lifestyle. But Jake, his childhood chum, talks him into one last caving expedition in the deep and treacherous Shankali Caverns. David and his trusty friends arrive in India, then enlist a local guide to take them into the underground caverns.By campfire, the Guide offhandedly tells of the mysterious legend of the Shankali Cavern. Intrigued, the group wakes up early the following day and races to the cavern to begin the adventure. But danger lurks in the crevices close by: dark, horrible, grave danger!This film has horrible, villainous creatures that will send chills up your spine! The characters are fresh, the settings are amazing, and the overall feel is outstandingly creepy.Seriously, you've got to check this film out!

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