Chasing Ghosts: Beyond the Arcade

2007 "An arcade adventure."
7| 1h30m| R| en

1982's Video Game World Champions share their philosophies on joysticks, groupies and life.


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SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Matho The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
zkonedog When it comes to documentaries about old-time video gaming, "King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters" is still the standard against which all others are measured. However, "Chasing Ghosts" serves as a nice little companion piece to "Kong" by explaining more of the history behind how the "Twin Galaxies" arcade helped video games "go national".For a basic plot summary, "Chasing Ghosts" gives some background information on Twin Galaxies arcade by primarily focusing on the participants in the big video game championship in Iowa in 1982. Billy Mitchell (the "villain" from "King of Kong") is (of course) in on the action again, but this time surrounded by many other formidable arcade-style gaming champions who were truly the first of their kind back in the early 1980s.For anyone who has ever experienced the thrill of playing a video game, this documentary gives some history as to how the industry became the billion-dollar mega-giant it has morphed into today. The arcades were a HUGE part of that success, with Twin Galaxies being the first arcade to recognize national champions, and "Chasing Ghosts" tells that story.Be warned, however, that if you aren't "into" gaming at all then this is one you should probably stay away from, as without an appreciation of the industry all these guys will seem like complete losers, idiots, selfish jerks, or worse. Some of them may very well fit those descriptions, but only gamers can appreciate their extreme skill in such a specific area.Overall, then, "Chasing Ghosts" should be watched right after "King of Kong" for some more background information on the "Arcade Wars" of the early 1980s. It doesn't have the gripping drama of "Kong", but it is at times informative, funny, and interesting.
UnknownRealmsDotNet Video games. A multi-billion dollar industry. 30 years ago, only an elite few were playing the things. Chasing Ghosts takes a look at those 'losers' and props them up in all their geeky glory. A lot of fun to watch for those both in to games and not, CG evokes great nostalgia for those who grew up during the 80's. It's a shame this came out at the same time as King of Kong. Because this is a great documentary that captures the time and people it is about vividly. But KoK is an outstanding documentary on the subject matter that manipulates the audience with a deft hand. And so the victor goes the spoils, and the defeated be forgotten. A shame, because this is a good film.
bubblegum_brainiac This movie made me laugh, sad, and look away in disgust. You all know the plot by now. Some of the people in this documentary are so over the top, it's hard to believe their real people. One guy has a mullet. A mullet! Who has a mullet in 2007? If you've seen King of Kong, you know who I'm talking about, and he's just as unlikable in this film as he is in King of Kong if you ask me. It could be the mullet that just makes me hate him though. Anyway, back to the movie, a few others have very, um, odd collections, to put it nicely. I won't ruin what they are, but they aren't things I would ever invest it. But don't get me wrong. Some of these guys seem to be normal people you would meet on the street and think nothing of. They all took their arcade gaming experience and made it either the high point of their life, their entire life, or just one thing they did in the past that it isn't really who they are now. You'll feel horrible for some of them, laugh at others, and see yourself being best friends with one or two of them. They may have been famous for similar things, but they are extremely different people.Of course, a comparison to King of Kong is necessary, and while King of Kong is better, I still enjoyed this documentary all the same. 8/10 may be pushing it, it's probably more a 7.5. If you like documentaries, this is one to check out. If you like video games, this is one to check out. If you're really bored and want to watch a movie, this is one to check out. If none of the above apply to you, then. . . go on with your bad self.
jfgibson73 I have seen a number of docs in the past year about different forms of gaming, and they have generally been pretty interesting. Part of the fascination is to look into someone else's life and compare it to yours, hopefully making you feel better about yourself. Most of the docs that I've seen don't go out of their way to emphasize how silly or odd some of their subjects may be--they are usually pretty respectful about presenting things objectively, although I am sure they edit the footage to show us the most ridiculous moments. King of Kong was the most successful of these because, I think, it was able to tell a linear story. It had some of the same story elements we are familiar with in fiction, such as exposition, and a climax. Chasing Ghosts is somewhat less satisfying because it just talks to several of the people who participated in a group photo back in the early 80's. Everyone in the picture was a "world champion" of one video game or another. Some of them still take gaming and their accomplishments pretty seriously. The movie seems content to just get by on showing us how geeky the kids grew up to be. I'm not sure what else I could have wanted; I just didn't think it was especially interesting.