Cherry 2000

1987 "Need A Bounty Hunter? She's Your Man."
5.6| 1h39m| PG-13| en

When successful businessman Sam Treadwell finds that his android wife, Cherry model 2000 has blown a fuse, he hires sexy renegade tracker E. Johnson to find her exact duplicate. But as their journey to replace his perfect mate leads them into the treacherous and lawless region of 'The Zone', Treadwell learns the hard way that the perfect woman is made not of computer chips and diodes.


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Humbersi The first must-see film of the year.
Stephan Hammond It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Freeman This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
linconjames This is a weird off-beat film worth a watch. Don Johnson and Melanie Grifith are great opposite each other as a human- robot couple. Grifith shines as the role asks for her innocent cat like sensitivity to shine. This along with Steve De Jarnett's Miracle Mile are two of the most underrated 80s films. The reason these kinds of films have become cult are the same reason retro-futuristic cars have become so popular- nostalgia tinged with a yearning for a better future which was the vision..
SnoopyStyle In the dystopian near-future, the world is struggling to recycle the limited resources. Future sex is sadly transactional. Sam Treadwell (David Andrews) is a successful executive. He has a loving relationship with his Cherry 2000 (Pamela Gidley). When it short-circuits, only the memory disk is salvaged. There are no Cherry 2000 replacements although there are expected stocks in the abandoned factory in the desolate Zone 7. Sam travels to Gloryhole Hotel and hires tracker E. Johnson (Melanie Griffith) to guide him to Zone 7. They battle Lester (Tim Thomerson), the leader of a strange cult.It's a campy B-movie with plenty of cult potential. It's wacky. It has strange takes on sex in the future. The wackiness never gets that funny. David Andrews isn't terribly charismatic. Melanie Griffith looks cool and gorgeous. She plays too cool at times and could have been a bigger performance. I don't like flying to Vegas. There are a few things that keep holding this movie back to being fun camp.
bowmanblue I watch a lot of 'so-bad-they're-good' films, but 'Cherry 2000' was actually quite different. It was a 'so-bad-I-don't-know-if-it's-real' kind of film. I literally sat there unable to believe my eyes at what I was witnessing. It's set in some sort of weird future where men can buy robots shaped like beautiful women who will wait on their every needs. However, what one such man obviously never read in his 'wife's' instruction manual was that you should probably never get them wet.I won't go into the hows and whys of how he gets his 'Cherry 2000' model wet (there's a treat in store for you), but it totally blows a fuse and the local dealer seems to be out of stock in that particular make. Therefore, the only thing he can do is set out into a forbidden wasteland where there's – apparently – a robot graveyard full of perfectly-kept Cherrys waiting to be taken back to some lucky man's kitchen.So he does. Only he doesn't do it alone. He enlists the help of a 'tracker' – someone who's familiar with the dangerous world they're about to explore. This particular tracker is played by Melanie Griffith. And this is where the 'fun' starts. That is if you call 'fun' really bad acting. Melanie Griffith can't act. Or, to be fair, she can't act back in this particular film. I read online that she had just given birth weeks before filming, so perhaps I should cut her a bit of slack. But she really is bad. Every line is delivered like she's reading if from a children's comic (and not a very well-written comic either).You could almost say that she ruins the movie, but that would be a little unfair. The guy who's hired her tries to 'out-ruin' the movie, too. He's possibly the least charismatic leading man ever. Plus he doesn't seem able to close his mouth – ever. Therefore, with two such awful leads, you could imagine many people would have turned it off as soon as possible. But that's where its appeal lies – you have to watch it to see just how bad it gets.Plus there's the script itself. Robert DeNiro and Al Pacino would struggle to act well delivering these lines. It's like the writers were students who had a good idea for a film, but none of the talent to bring it to the big screen. The action scenes don't make sense. The dialogue doesn't make sense. The progression of the story from scene to scene doesn't make sense and, finally, the character motivation doesn't make sense either.Cherry 2000 is a disaster, but one of those car crash type disasters that you just have to watch. You need to know you are in for a bad experience when you sit down to watch this. It is bad, but it is so bad you really do have to see it to believe it.
Scott LeBrun Sure it's all too obviously influenced by "Mad Max" and "The Road Warrior", but it's still consistently engaging entertainment for cult film enthusiasts. Credit has to go to production designer John Jay Moore and cinematographer Jacques Haitkin for giving it just the right slightly futuristic look, and it's got some gorgeous rural vistas to take in. It's a little episodic, but it's also got some energy, and some nifty moments.Melanie Griffith offers a delightful performance as female "tracker" E. Johnson (the E stands for Edith), hired by lonely man Sam Treadwell (a fairly stiff David Andrews) to take him to a dangerous area where he can find a replacement for his robot wife Cherry (Pamela Gidley). On their journey they run into colourful characters played by such wonderful acting veterans as Ben Johnson, who's endearing as Six Fingered Jake, and Harry Carey Jr., as Snappy Tom.You know you'll be in for a good time when you look over that supporting cast: Marshall Bell, Laurence Fishburne, Michael C. Gwynne, Brion James, Jack Thibeau, and Robert Z'Dar. The always welcome Tim Thomerson has a particularly amusing role as an unconventional desert dwelling despot, whose followers have it in for people such as Edith. Overall the movie isn't overly flashy, but it's pretty exciting at times, especially the entire sequence with the crane and the water pipe. The soaring score composed by Basil Poledouris ("Conan the Barbarian", "RoboCop", etc.) is fine accompaniment.Although Thomerson as Lester shows himself to be a serious psycho, this never gets too, too unpleasant, with director Steve De Jarnatt keeping the action moving and having fun with the offbeat little details provided by screenwriter Michael Almereyda (story credit goes to executive producer Lloyd Fonvielle). "Cherry 2000" does know how to send you away with a smile on your face. It may have gotten a limited release in theatres in the 1980s, but 26 years later it proves enjoyable enough to deserve a rediscovery.Seven out of 10.