Chicken Park

1996 "A comedy 65 million feathers in the making."
2.6| 1h37m| en

Vladimiro travels to the Dominican Republic with his fighting-chicken when it gets stolen. While searching for his lost chicken he discovers Chicken Park, a zoo full of giant chickens.


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Also starring Lawrence Steven Meyers


Matcollis This Movie Can Only Be Described With One Word.
Brennan Camacho Mostly, the movie is committed to the value of a good time.
Sanjeev Waters A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
mrdjx Before I begin, let me tell you that I like to watch so-bad-good-movies. I've sat through Battlefield Earth, Plan 9 From Outer Space, The Room and even got a few kicks out of watching scenes from Manos: Hands of Fate. The aforementioned movies are famous for being dubbed, "Worst movie ever." Chicken Park is worse than all of these films. In fact should never be put on a worst of list, unless the authors responsible put a disclaimer reading "Do not watch this movie if you value your existence!" Chicken Park is so bad that after 40 minutes, it was physically impossible for me to sit through it without vomiting. This is a spoof film that is worse then any of the spoof movies made by Aaron Seltzer and Jason Friedberg. My brother unwittingly stumbled across this in a DVD rental store and hired it. Due to psychologically repressed memories, I have difficulty recalling all the details of my forty minutes in the closest circles of hell with this...this ungodly mess. I seem to recall a scene featuring a giant chicken raping a man. I don't know if that was actually in the film, or if it became a figment of my imagination as a consequence for attempting to watch it. Luckily the film is only available in Australia. But if you do find a copy, it is your duty to take it and take whatever measures are required to destroy it, so we can live knowing that there will be a future when no one can see Chicken Park.
dbborroughs A low low low brow spoof of everything with a Jurassic Park setting with chickens instead of dinosaurs, this is a movie to watch with a bunch of friends and loved ones who don't mind laughing at jokes so bad under normal circumstances you kill the person who told them to you ( Beer would also help). The key to enjoying the film is to look at the title and the premise and realize that it doesn't get any better than that. If the title and premise don't make you snicker than avoid the movie, it wasn't meant for you, if you do snicker or smile as you say "oh come on" then you at least understand the humor and you may find it funny in a so bad its good sort of way. Personally I like the film and its rude, crude, "we have no morals or scruples" way of dishing out laughs.
sc75 There are no words to justify a "film" like this. I'm Italian and I can say that in my Country Jerry Calà has always been famous for a particular kind on films, comic or surrealistic comedy, but he was always an actor and never director. Chicken Park is a shame for me like Italian. I hope Italian cinema continued to use Jerry as a comic (he is good, really!) and not like an artist. In any case, I can say that we have a director that are not so better than Jerry... his name is Ezio Greggio and his parody "Silence of the Jams" is probably worst that Chicken Park...See to believe...
vsargo This movie is pitiful. I consider myself as a person who can put up with almost all genres and types of movies but this movie gave me a serious headache after the first ten minutes viewing. With no link to the actual movie Jurassic Park and packed with some of the most pathetic jokes I've ever seen in a movie. I mean you'll get better laughs from a Revenge of the Nerds movie than watching this garbage. I could continue but I think you get the picture.

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