It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
Intense, gripping, stylish and poignant
What a freaking movie. So many twists and turns. Absolutely intense from start to finish.
Anoushka Slater
While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
This film is about a young Indian guy who comes home one day and finds himself getting engaged to a woman. The problem is that he is gay. In order to stop the wedding without telling his parents that he is gay, one lie leads to another until it spirals out of control.This film is hilarious and got me laughing many times. Sally Bankes' acting is superb and she plays this strong woman who does what she wants convincingly. The plot is outstanding as well. I find the plot very realistic, and I can completely identify with Jimi's feeling of being terrified, worried and upset. On the other hand, Jimi's boyfriend, Jack, is given much less attention in the film. I would have liked him to be given more lines in the film, and have more character development. However, as I guess the director wants to make this a more mainstream film, the love between Jimi and Jack was not developed in the film.It is great to watch a gay affirmative film. Furthermore, this film preaches us to be accepting to other people's difference, be it sexuality, culture and the way of life. This film makes viewers think hard.We need films like this to give us a boost. Thanks for making this film!
This is not an entertaining movie by any means. We're supposed to believe that the two lovers, Jimi and Jack, adore one another, but not once during the entire movie did they embrace, kiss or hug one another. Jack does cry at one point, but it looks like a lot of glycerin tear makeup was used to convince us he was really emoting. As for Jimi, despite the strong interchange with his father at the movie's end, he still comes across as a weak individual. Jimi and Jack are indicative of the slew of character stereotypes that fill this movie.The only standout is Vanessa, Jack's mother. Thanks to the solid acting of Sally Banks, her character really has spit and spunk. Without it the movie would have collapsed and expired. It's hard to believe that Vanessa is Jack's mother, considering how shallow his character is compared to hers.Perhaps the comments in this forum that are offered by one of the disgruntled extras have a lot of merit. From what I saw, and from what he says, if Chicken Tikka Masala had the benefit of more talent involved in its creation and execution, it might have been an enjoyable film. Instead, it wallows in stereotypes and is really boring.I have the DVD version of the film and the colors are often dark and murky.
My comment is mainly a comment on the first commentator (the extra on the film) and his unhappy assessment of the film. I think his perspective indicates why an extra is an extra and a director is a director. The film was sweet, the acting sufficient, the experience of watching it a nice diversion from a busy work week. It wasn't "The Hours" (acting), or "The Matrix" (Special Effects), or even "The Color Purple" (Direction). Most movies won't be. But it also wasn't the crap fest that "vinny..." would lead you to believe. Sorry guy, just my 2 cents.As to the movie itself, it was in the end very gay affirming (+ #1). It showed a world full of diverse and less than perfect people--you know, just like ours (+ #2)! It opened a door on one culture without excluding other cultures (+ #3). And I liked the music (+ #4).
For people who are first timers in film making, I think they did an excellent job!! We have to support the emerging industry especially coming from up north. It was very popular when I was in the cinema, a good house and very good reactions and plenty of laughs. It's a feel-good film and that's how I felt when I came out of the cinema! It has northern humour and positive about the community it represents. The film has just opened, I do hope it does well - people should support this little film. I think this 'vinny...' person is very bitter, about something! And getting too personal…? shame!! I say well done to all those involved…have a drink on me!! I look forward to you next venture.