Chinatown After Dark

1931 "See what happens in the underworld dens after dark!"
4.1| 0h59m| en

The female head of a criminal gang in Chinatown is after a valuable jewel, and lets nothing stand in her way of finding it.


Producted By

Ralph M. Like Productions


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AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Pluskylang Great Film overall
GazerRise Fantastic!
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
Michael_Elliott Chinatown After Dark (1931)* 1/2 (out of 4)Jim Bonner (Rex Lease) is in possession of a priceless Asian dagger, which gets him into some hot water and especially when the evil Madame Ying Su (Carmel Myers) wants it.CHINATOWN AFTER DARK is yet another low-budget crime movie that features evil Asian characters working the dark streets of Chinatown. These types of movies were quite popular since they were constantly being made. Obviously the success of the early Fu Manchu movies played into this and it should be noted that this was released a year before Boris Karloff's marvelous turn in THE MASK OF FU MANCHU.With that said, this film is in no way, shape or form close to that classic and for the most part there's really nothing here worth recommending the film for. If you're a die-hard fan of these crime films then you might want to check it out if you've seen everything else but the action is pretty light and there's really no drama or mystery. The bad performances really stand out including Myers who isn't all that believable playing an Asian character.
kidboots ...even though it was a Ralph M. Like production and even that was a better joke than any featured in the film. Billy Gilbert had an early role as dim witted Dooley, the chief of police whose humour consists mainly of talking slang and sneezing at inappropriate times!! Even though forgotten today, Carmel Myers had a big career in the silents, going right back to the mid teens when as a young teen herself she worked at Universal. But by 1931, even though only in her early 30s, she was considered too old for leading lady parts and may have jumped at this chance to portray a character role. In this film she played Madame Ying Su, or Poppy, a smoothly seductive dragon lady.A real mish mash of a movie, begins abruptly with Ralph Bonner (Frank Mayo) being entrusted with a priceless heirloom, a Chinese dagger, that he has to bring to America so Lee Fong (Edmund Breese) can give his ward, Lotus, a chance to start life with her own people. Ralph, who realises he has been followed during the voyage, is killed after he hands the dagger over and soon Fong has been murdered as well. Enter Ralph's brother Jim (Rex Lease) who wants to find his brother's murderer and also wants to protect the vulnerable Lotus. He is shaping up as the lead suspect but he has his own ideas and is keeping a careful watch on Poppy who just happened to be nearby when both murders took place.I often wonder what these poverty row films would look like all cleaned up - maybe you could praise the authentic looking Oriental sets, the wall hangings and even the costumes. Unfortunately, no praise for this movie. Lotus is played by Barbara Kent who started off as an insipid leading lady but films such as "Lonesome" revealed her talent and hidden glamour.
MartinHafer This is a low-budget B movie with a mostly unknown cast (other than Billy Gilbert in a small comic relief role). It begins with a man trying to buy a dagger from a man who has agreed to take this to Lee Fong. Although it seems of minor value, the man offers $1000 for it but is refused—after all the other man can't sell something that isn't his. But when he refuses, the guy tries to kill him and take it! Apparently this is SOME dagger! In fact, several more attempts are made on his life but somehow he is able to escape with his life. When the dagger finally is brought to Fong, the reason it's so desired is now apparent. However, at that moment, Fong is killed and the secret is stolen.Of special note is the character of Madam Ling Soo who might just be the worst character played by a Westerner imitating an Asian—and that's saying a lot. It is probably worse than John Wayne's impersonation of Genghis Khan or Katherine Hepburn as a Chinese peasant—mostly because her accent and acting are so utterly bad and ridiculous. Also, while I usually like Gilbert in films, here he plays a person so stupid and one-dimensional that he is a serious detriment to the movie—not that it was a great film to begin with, by the way.Overall, bad acting and a bad script make for a bad picture. This film is in the public domain and I can easily see why no one bothered to renew the copyright!
Cristi_Ciopron CHINATOWN AFTER DARK is only one of the many short thrillers with supposedly Chinese atmosphere; the title is much better than the movie itself. Yet the very movie is acceptable, if you enjoy these between—the—wars standard thrillers.A guy is asked to deliver a Chinese dagger to a Chinese oldster; meantime, a gang is trying to get the dagger, a valuable one because inside it it's hidden a precious stone. The guy has a helpful brother.Otherwise, there's no skill, and only a moderately good—looking lady as a Chinese gang boss. The story is very clumsily told.Yet such movies have charm. They are made for a playful disposition.For me all this slapdash is more enchanting that most new TV cop series/ or blockbusters, for that matter.