Cinderella in the Caribbean

6.1| 1h34m| en

Ashlyn is coerced by her stepmother, Miriam, to come join the family on a trip to the Caribbean as part of destination wedding. Miriam is the bride to be, and though Ashlyn has been on her own for a while, her stepfamily is quick to fall into old patterns of undervaluing Ashlyn, putting her down, and expecting her to do everything. To make things harder, Miriam's fiancé, Bruce, is a wonderful man who is oblivious to Miriam's ways. Ashlyn finds friendship and the beginnings of love with Bruce’s son, Noah. But Ashlyn struggles to have her own happily ever after when she knows her stepfamily is set to ruin Bruce.


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Also starring Emma Reinagel

Also starring Conor McGee


Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
AutCuddly Great movie! If you want to be entertained and have a few good laughs, see this movie. The music is also very good,
Bea Swanson This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Griff Lees Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.

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