
7.5| 1h22m| en

In the fairy kingdom live stepmother, her evil daughters — Anna and Maryana, a limp husband-forester and his daughter from his first marriage — Cinderella. The stepmother exploits the poor girl as a housekeeper. With the help of her godmother-fairy, Cinderella gets to the royal ball, where a beautiful and very kind prince falls in love with her. At midnight, the magic ends, and poor Cinderella has to return to her former life. But on the crystal shoe that Cinderella lost while fleeing the palace to the battle of the palace chimes, the prince searches for the bride.


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Also starring Yanina Zhejmo


Wordiezett So much average
Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
Rschulenberg I don't understand. Russian but I enjoyed every minute of it! When I think that this was made just after WW II, it's even more amazing as it has such a lavish look to it. Several of the Russian speaking reviewers refer to the jokes and witty dialogue which, of course, I missed but there was so much to enjoy visually that I didn't feel that I was missing anything. The beautiful "exterior" sets are particularly charming and have a perfect Fairy Tale feeling to them! There appears to be a use of miniatures although if they were, everything looks so good that it's impossible to know. It's just that so many of the sets are so large it's difficult to imagine that they were full size. I was similarly impressed by the special effects which were, I believe, exceptional for the period. When I think that this was made during the Stalinist period, i'm impressed that the film appears to be free of any hint of a political message although if I understood the language, I might have detected some subtle references. I would really recommend this - even if, like me, you don't understand Russian. And P.S., I'm also stunned to know the ages of the Prince and Cinderella! The whole time I thought they were extremely gifted teenagers!
solstice5555 Long ago I watched this movie as a kid and loved the story. Later on I watched it many more times when my kids were growing up, sharing their enjoyment. And I still keep watching it from time to time, but not for the story of course, rather for its very special emotional value. No matter how dragged down I am, it never fails to put me in good humor. This is a magic of genuine and simple human goodness that brightens the day. The movie is BW, very simple in a sense that it doesn't have any computer-generated effects, mind-boggling stunts so typical of today's fantasy cinema-- for those you should look elsewhere. But acting in "Zolushka" is very good. So if you want something that speaks to the heart -- you'll probably enjoy every bit of it.
kassha-1 I think this is an excellent film, and far better than any of the Disney fairy-tales because, the actors are so great, and the music is so cheerful that I think kids will love it. But it's also a very funny and witty movie, and adults will enjoy it too. Here is a piece of dialog between the King and his guards as he yells to them from a tower:King-Hellooo! Hellooo! Guards of this fairy-tale castle, do you hear me? (Guards-We hear you, your Majesty!) King-Did a girl with one shoe leave the gate of our castle? (Guards-How many shoes were on her?) King-One! One! (Guards-Was she blonde?) King-Yes! A blonde! (Guards-How old was she?) King-About 16! (Guards-Nice?) King-Very nice! (Guards-OK! We understand! No, we haven't seen her. No one has left the gate!) King-Then why have you asked me all these specific questions? (Guards-We were interested, your Majesty!)
Alex Kvaskov a very touching film. i watched it multiple times and after each time i had an even more positive attitude towards the movie. i advise you to watch this enchanting masterpiece. the more you watch it, the more you actually understand the whole concept and point of the movie. this movie is suitable for viewing by all ages. no adult oriented scenes. this movie promotes kindness and should be treated with respect. i never knew that Yanina Zhejmo was actually 38 in the movie. she completely looks her part in the role of a sixteen year old. the prince (Aleksei Konsovsky) is 35 in the movie. he looks not much older than twenty.