Cirque du Soleil: Varekai

7.9| 0h30m| en

Icarus is the main character of Varekai, who falls to the ground, breaking his legs as he does. He is suddenly in a strange, new world full of creatures he has never seen before. Parachuted into the shadows of a magical forest, a kaleidoscopic world populated by fantastical creatures, this young man sets off on an adventure both absurd and extraordinary.


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Also starring Mathieu Lavoie


Matcollis This Movie Can Only Be Described With One Word.
Catangro After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
Neive Bellamy Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
Sanjeev Waters A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
richard-46842 My wife and I went to a matinée performance of Cirque du Soleil's "Varekai" in the Nottingham Motorpoint Arena. As you would expect, most of the acrobatics were absolutely amazing, as were the costumes. Like other Cirque du Soleil shows, there was some sort of story but with most of the language being their traditional invented one that no one understands, this was not clear. But this didn't really matter. The music and vocals (even though I didn't understand them) were also very good. Regrettably, the circus tradition of using clowns was taken much too far, with about a quarter of the show dedicated to them. Their slap-stick antics were often bizarre or amateurish and at times downright irritating. They may have been entertaining a few decades ago but frankly fell flat and in some cases were risqué and unsuitable for the young children in the audience. So for us, this ruined what would otherwise have been an impressive and entertaining experience. Time for a re-think, SdS?
Marc Philippe I am normally a huge fun of Cirque du Soleil, the many shows I have seen were always magical and mixed amazing colors, wonderful music and incredible performances that just kept you on the edge of your seat. Varikai on the other was hugely disappointing the music was horrible, the singers average, the performances of the artists nice but not breathtaking and the many supposedly funny intervals between the shows were not funny at all. That was really subpar and I think I even fell asleep at one point... Next time I go to a Cirque du Soleil show I will first read the reviews as I now now that Cirque du Soleil is not always synonymous with extraordinary performances....
orangeyred Varekai is much more than just a circus, it tells a story.There are no flaws in the performance, the acts were all done perfectly from the stunning hand balancing by Olga Pikhienko to the astonishing, gripping Icarian Dance.Olga Pikhienko is the best performer in the show, the lead female vocalist Zara Tellander also has a spectacular voice (sung Varekai 831 times)It isn't all perfect however, there will be parts that won't appeal to you but overall I think it will shock you. Not all the acts are brilliant and you can't expect that from anyone.Throughout the show there are no let downs, the music is wonderful although the sound on the DVD does not capture the energy behind it.The DVD does not quite capture the magic of seeing the show live. I have seen many Cirque du Soleil shows and Varekai is for me the best travelling show.It's definitely a must see show.
Mystere9890 I saw the entire DVD -AND- I saw it live. Meaning I attend to the theater and saw it live. It's a show more than a movie. It's so amazing too. It's a lot different than the DVD, it's much better live. So, for advice, you shouldn't say you hate it until you've seen the real thing. The acts are very clever and amazing, it nearly defies gravity! Completely AWESOME. The clown acts are funny, too. If it comes to your town, go and see it! You don't have to get front row either, because the theater is somewhat small (unless you are seeing it in Montreal, Quebec.) Unlike other Cirque du Soleil shows, this one REALLY has a story to it, and it's brought out very well. One of the best, a must see!