
2014 "The kids aren't alright."
5.7| 1h39m| R| en

A loving father finds a clown suit for his son's birthday party, only to realize the suit is part of an evil curse that turns its wearer into a killer.


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Alicia I love this movie so much
Inclubabu Plot so thin, it passes unnoticed.
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
ilvevh What on earth! I watched this movie two days ago and it's still on my mind. I really loved this movie. Surprisingly great, not only easily watchable but really enjoyable the more it goes on. I didn't look much into it just read the short snippit under the title so I went in with an open mind.
meganbug The movie was good but why would you have a clown rip open a girls stomach and eat an unborn baby.. go get some mental help
darvickusa I feel like a lone voice in a sea of fake reviews.There is no way anyone--I mean ANYONE with 1% of brain cells left in their head, that would give this film a passing grade. It fails at every attempt at everything. No need for details other than DON'T BOTHER!! It's the worst of the worst.
Ilikehorrormovies This killer clown thing needs to die off, the only good killer clown movie is IT (both Mini Series and Movie). The director Jon Watts was the director of Spider-Man Homecoming, he did good in that movie and what the hell happen? I don't blame the director, probably studio getting involve. Non of the acting convince me and the writing is dull, also slow pace. I don't mind some slow burn movies but the pacing in this film are terrible. This movie is cliché as hell but it's A KILLER DEMON CLOWN!! WHAT'S NEXT?! A WEREWOLF DEMON KILLER CLOWN FROM OUT OF SPACE?! CAN'T WAIT!! Well, don't watch this movie