
5.4| 1h42m| en

Colic tells a story of a couple Pongpob and Phraeploy who have a shotgun wedding upon discovering that Praeploy has unexpectedly become pregnant. After the wedding, Pongpob brings Phraeploy to his mother's suburban home. The night before Praeploy delivers the child, the house next to theirs catches on fire. When the baby is delivered, and is brought to their house, he screams and cries with no reason. The doctor considers the baby has colic, and tells the couple that the ailment will disappear when the baby turns 3 to 6 months old. Several months later, the baby still hasn't stopped crying...while the family's members encounter to mysterious and unexplained experiences.


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Also starring Pimpan Chalaikupp


TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
Konterr Brilliant and touching
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
razorblade_kiss93 This movie was quite poor to begin with. You had a cliché mysterious old women who scared you a little bit and a comical storyline. I did not like that at all. The movie then progresses to something that seemed like a 60s horror movie in a modern format. Did not work.My favourite part of the movie was the autism scenes, sure the makeup on the 'scary autistic' was sub standard but it had a vintage like quality as i mentioned before, but this time it actually worked.Of course you had the let down ending, clichéd, rushed and poor. Even the pathetic attempt at a 'clever' twist failed to save this movie. All I can say is this was my first time watching a Thai Horror Movie, wasn't impressed, I'm hoping the acclaimed Shutter will be better.
chrichtonsworld As usual the trailer for this movie was more exciting than the movie itself! There are lot of moments that are creepy! But there also are a lot of scenes that are simply annoying! This is because the plot is very thin! When there are enough scares I don't really care about the plot! And if only the lack of suspense or story would get compensated by drama or action or even comedy than it would be great! But this is not the case! "Colic" isn't very scary! There is lack of drama (and no humor at all)! Example: The mother of the main character dies very sudden! No tears,no crying except for the baby! No funeral! No real conversations between the husband and wife about what happened! There is no show of emotion like nothing is wrong! And this is the main problem! Something bad happens and things go back to normal without any change! Sure you see the parents of the baby searching for help to cure the baby,but that's it! They visit a priest but he is not really helpful! The absence of a real dialog (especially) between the husband and wife makes it difficult to care for these persons! The explanation at the end makes it all worse! At least they could have come up with something better! The only thing that really was outstanding was the sound! The sound is the major reason that this horror is worth watching! But overall it is very average!
jal4eva I happened to chance upon the trailer and I thought that the premise of this story was a very fresh and interesting idea and the film seemed pretty interesting, that prompted me to catch this film without reading any prior reviews about it. It was only after watching the film and having a good impression of it that I read some pretty bad reviews about this film.The premise of the film is very interesting, incorporating the supernatural and medical research to create a very real feel to the film. And there's a strong plot which sadly quite a number of horror films lack. The acting and emotions of the lead actors and actresses were very well executed, and their love for their child and the extent they went to protect their child was very touching. The supporting cast was very likable, which made the twists of the film very sudden and very shocking. The background music aided in the suspense of the film and provided an eerie enough atmosphere.One thing different about this horror film that I liked is the tone down on the use of 'ghosts', in place was just the effects of the supernatural forces. I also like the use of in-your-face graphic images which was also something scary, and horror-filled on its part. The style of the film reminds me quite like The Eye.In all, I feel that this is still a good film to recommend and a fresh change of the usual horror films palette offered.
DICK STEEL Colic is the latest Thai horror movie to hit our shores, and given the gimmicky promotion in local theatres, where a cradle with that nasty picture of the baby inside, you'd start to wonder if this movie will actually give you the creeps, without resorting to the usual cheap gimmicks which plagued the slew of horror movies of late.By the look of that powerful palm imprint on the baby's body, you'd think that there are devilish (pugilistic) forces to be reckoned with in Colic. However, sorry to disappoint, things that start to go bump in the night, are as tame as a pussy cat exhibiting a hissy fit. While the movie scores in its dealing with the atmospherics, it had forgotten that an engaging story is king, nevermind how implausible (ghost stories what) the premises is. Colic actually has potential, in taking something that couldn't be very much explained in scientific terms, and adding a dash of the spiritual to it. But it turned out to be wasted potential instead.Newlyweds Pong (Vittaya Wasukraipaisan) and Phrae (Pympan Chalayanacupt) have an infant son who suffers from cholic - that incessant crying for reasons attributed to various factors unexplained in the movie, until the end, more or less. Should there be a hidden message in the movie, it'll probably be not to smoke when you're expecting, or that karma will work against you if you have pre-marital sex and have to undergo a shotgun wedding if not adequately protected.Anyway I digress. The happy family move to the suburbs, and there's where unexplained happenings start to occur to them. I must warn you that it takes a long time for the family to move, and for the first of such bumps in the night. In between bumps are uneventful stuff that seem to be put in as fillers, which made the entire narrative storyline very episodic, and extremely dragged out between scenes. The horror here has a familiar look and feel to it, kinda like old Hong Kong horror flicks.What the movie couldn't decide, and it shows in the film, is what to do with the inexplicable stuff. Do we want to deal with spirits, or ghouls, maybe poltergeists, or gore like Saw or Hostel. There are some truly intense moments though which will leave you at the edge of your seat, but when looking back at hindsight, they're pretty much a mixed bag and seem all over the place. It takes a long time for things to build, and during this time, it's pretty boring, as you literally observe an infant grow up, in quarterly stages.So long as you don't expect too much, and not expect the cholic phenomenon to be explained in detail (from both the scientific and occult standpoint), you could actually enjoy this movie. Like I mentioned, the atmospherics is top notch, though the finale looked more like an action movie instead. And when the filmmakers do explain something important in the end, the reaction I'd reckon will be "Huh? That's it?" in a much ado about nothing manner.