The movie is wonderful and true, an act of love in all its contradictions and complexity
Ariella Broughton
It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
Kamila Bell
This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
My favourite thing about this movie is that despite the control tower guys insisting it is night for the entirety of this movie, we have entire scenes in daylight, followed by a quick flick to total darkness, and back to daytime ... then the control tower with the blinds drawn (and sunlight trying to break through!) because it's nighttime, yo! Daylight! Nighttime! Daylight! No really, is IS nighttime! Yes, they didn't employ anyone to do continuity.I also enjoyed the 'every character gets their own moment' moments. The best one is the redneck racist, who goes below into the cargo hold and freezes. "It's so dark!" he stage whispers, with a light shining in his face. No one appears to listen, so he says it again. Crazed dog-trainer woman, crawling around the floor near a wall light says, 'So it's dark, what's the big deal?' Evidently, all this light is just for the audience, not the characters, because we then focus on his face, his traumatised, blank/stupid face as he begins his story ... his childhood abuse story, (which was probably the MOST RELATABLE PART of the whole movie). Crazed dog-trainer woman listens to him for like, ten seconds max, then pushes past him like 'Whatever, dude! I gotta find my dog.' Unbelievably selfish and totally negating his childhood trauma. I also enjoyed the Grandma Polly scene ... an old-fashioned kettle is on the gas hob. Grandma falls off a ladder and hits her head ... the lit gas goes out (HOW?) but the gas stays on (screw you, physics) but oh no! A candle is lit! Got to say, this was super fun, ideal to be used in a drinking game for foolish lines, continuity errors and plain head-desk moments. I am not to be blamed for the alcoholism that might result from such a game though!
This may be the single worst movie I have ever seen. Crippled by a deadly solar flare, an airplane continues to fly on autopilot after the captain is electrocuted and the co-pilot is incapacitated. Far-fetched but at least plausible. However, the writing, acting and visual look and effects are on the level of the sophomore class play. It's all so bad that it borders on the classic level of "Plan 9 From Outer Space". Clichés are elevated to an art form, the characters are stunningly one- dimensional and the story is fully disconnected from facts and reality. How this movie was ever funded is beyond me. How people get paid to create drivel like this is astounding. I feel especially bad for Dee Wallace, a good actress who gamely gave it her all in a secondary role. The best thing about this movie is that eventually it ended.
Sean Lynch
I gave "Collision Course" a two because it's awful good seeing such a bad movie every once in a while. But this movie wasn't quite bad enough to earn a cult following mainly because of the lead role played by the dog.Besides another SyFy "original", what do you get when melodrama, cliché dialog, poor direction, bad science and poor acting collide? Collision Course movie disaster apocalypse...the only thing missing is turning the pilot into a zombie which I substituted in my wandering imagination for the evil dog Bootsie...that turned out to be a good doggie after all. Professional acting on the part of Bootsie was refreshing but his German accent needs some work. Even Asylum's Sharknado was destined to miss the cult mark as some of the acting was too good, and although Sharknado science was bad enough to earn a shock and awe score Asylum is still having trouble hitting the cult mark.Somehow the Collision Course writers missed the low standard mark in writing worst Airplane disaster disaster ever, which is still held by "Starflight: The Plane that Couldn't Land (1983)" which starred Lee Majors. Perhaps the writers of Collision Course shamelessly turned to Mel Brooks for inspiration, afraid of direct ties to other air disaster disaster movies staring John Wayne and Charlton Heston. I must admit the natural and instinctual reaction to take charge and discuss personal histories with strangers when the autopilot fails is well developed. Although the protagonist was married to a pilot at one time is convenient, I think she would have better flying credentials had she stayed at a Holiday Inn.Although ScyFy may yet someday achieve the apparent goal of productions that merit true cult status for being awful, they need to study Troll:II. "Collision Course" only earns an "of course" in the predictable bad science "deus ex machina" department. Still you may be able to scratch your head and smile at the bravado of writers who sell for mass consumption to a market that actually believes in ghosts, ancient aliens and UFO's. I won't spoil the end which will come as a real surprise, although I would have ended the drama at the first mid-air collision and simply rolled credits, leaving room for a Part Deux.There is hope for this movie. No future species that decodes the remnants of this movie on a Venus like planet will wonder why our species became extinct. Therefore this title rates as candidate for sharing on a "Bad Movie" or "Disaster Disaster" movie night with some friends or a cat who can fill in the awkward dialog.
Collision Course may not quite be bad enough to be on a personal worst movies ever list or the very worst movie to air on the SyFy Channel(any contenders for that title make for a very large number). That is saying next to nothing though, because it still has everything bad about melodrama/disaster movies at their worst. To search for a redeeming quality you'd have to look very hard, but for anything that came across as least bad about Collision Course it was Dee Wallace who does try to give some compassion to material that was beneath her. Generally in regard to the acting Collision Course is a very poorly-acted film, with the actors ranging from overwrought emotion(Tia Carrere applies here) to no emotion or acting skills at all. The acting is not the only bad thing, everything about Collision Course is bad. The drab look of the movie is very unappealing, and further disadvantaged by about 20 years out of date special effects that show no signs texture, shading or proportion and simplistic camera work. The dialogue gives meaning to the term banal and practically insults it too and gets increasingly turgid and predictable. The story shows no tension, fear of characters' predicaments or heart, and instead consists of very questionable science/maths, pedestrian pacing and ham-fisted melodrama. The characters are also the sort that we never care for or know anything about, that they're written in such a cardboard fashion and acted lazily doesn't help. Overall, there's worse out there- you'll agree or disagree here- but Collision Course at the end of the day was very difficult to endure. 1/10 Bethany Cox