Purely Joyful Movie!
Intense, gripping, stylish and poignant
Excellent, Without a doubt!!
It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
Hi to everyone. Usually I don't review movies, specially the 'WTF movies', here but for this title I'd make an exception just to clarify two points.First of all such title isn't properly a movie rather than a 'patchwork' made of amateur videoclips shooted between 1984 and 1999 by a group of friends. These videoclips share the same elements like a non existent plot or continuity, a terrible acting, cheap special effects and moreover the boredom reigns on such 'blockbuster'. Honestly a comparison between such 'movie' and titles like 'Braindead' and 'Premutos' doesn't come out from the Earth as far from the Heaven: they're instead movies in the common sense. But there's another and more important reason for that: I can watch and re-watch such movies having every time fun due their irony and 'political incorrectness' more than their amount of blood (following such way of thinking then a title like 'Dead Next Door', for example, would be better than Romero's 'Night of the Living Dead'... that's simply absurd). On the other hand is this 'Komabrutale Duell' a real pain-in-the-ass to watch: I barely watched it to the end. After that it can be relegated to the oblivion without problem.Indeed here as in other sites I've noticed that such 'movie' was positive reviewed: that's the biggest surprise that comes to me from such 'blockbuster'. For an explanation of such phenomenon, excluding a financial corruption by the director or his staff, may I'd review another movie called 'Idiocracy' then... Thanks for your attention anyway.
If you are into horror like I am and are a regular visitor of conventions in Germany than there is one flick you won't find, Das Komabrutale Duel. It was made in 1999 but banned in Germany in 2004 due the splatter. Oh yes, the blood flows from shot one until the last shot. Yes it's gory and yes it's brutal but were is the storyline. The blood sputters from the bodies in a Eastern way, when they fight the blood flows but when the use a chainsaw than a few mistakes are shown. One, it doesn't work, the chain stands still. And all actors being hit by the chainsaw are trying to hold it back with their hands but aren't hurt at their hands!! But the blood flows from their bodies. In fact, the movie is just some kind of promo by the crew to show that they could deliver splatter. But again, a good movie also needs a story...
In my quest to see the 'goriest movie of all time', I finally got my hands on a copy of Das Komabrutale Duell a low budget German gore-fest which I had seen mentioned as a possible contender for the title. My DVD was in the original language with no subtitles, but I thought I'd give it a go regardless; from what I had heard, the story made little sense anyway.And whilst it is true that this film offers wall-to-wall gore and some scenes that are in extremely questionable taste (foetus stomping, anyone?), I have got to say that I really struggled to sit through this one, finding the endless amateurish effects tedious in the extreme.As far as I can gather, the film revolves around two warring gangs who seem to be indestructible (possibly zombies): no matter how often they are beaten, stabbed, shot or chopped, they always manage to get back up and continue fighting. What the viewer gets is an hour and a half of endless fight scenes featuring oodles of bargain basement gore. Papier-mâché heads explode and are sliced apart and fountains of fake-looking blood erupt from every wound, but these effects are executed in such an unrealistic, cartoonish manner that the results are laughable.If you too are searching for the ultimate in gory movie-making, you'll probably end up watching this one just so you can cross it off the list. But be warned, it's a real stinker and a test of endurance for any horror fan.
Honestly, I have no f!cking idea what DAS KOMABRUTALLE DUELL is about. I have a Geramn language only copy and as I don't speak German, the "finer points" were totally lost on me. I will say that it ranks up there with some of the goriest films ever made - but from what I witnessed, it also ranked amongst the stupidest films ever made as well.The storyline seemed to revolve around some rival gangs that are trying to slaughter each other. Problem is, it doesn't seem like anyone can ever die. People get shot 100 times, chainsawed, beaten with objects, and all other sort of mayhem, and they just keep coming back for more. At one point, some of the gang-members come back as zombies (or something to that nature) but this doesn't seem to have any real effect either...Again, I really don't know what the hell was going on here. It seemed like a retarded cluster-f!ck of a film that I think was trying to be some sort of splatter comedy. The gore FX, though plentiful, are weak and laughable, and the whole production seems like it was shot on a weekend by a bunch of drunk teenagers. Some will be interested strictly because of the ridiculous amount of fake blood used in the film - but even that does not save this piece of garbage. The only people who I can seriously see gaining any sort of enjoyment from these films are those that REALLY like crappy zero-budget gore films, like Andreas Schnaas' sh!tty films. If you're a fan of crap like the VIOLENT SH!T films, then you'll probably love this one. All others should either steal this from someone or pass altogether, as it is ABSOLUTELY not worth paying for...2/10 (and that's only for the "fetus" scene)