Comanche Moon

7.1| 6h0m| PG-13| en

Comanche Moon, the prequel to McMurtry's bestselling and Pulitzer Prize-winning book, "Lonesome Dove follows Texas Rangers Augustus "Gus" McCrae (Zahn) and Woodrow F. Call (Urban), now in their middle years, as they continue to deal with the ever-increasing tensions of adult life--Gus with his great love, Clara Forsythe (Cardellini), and Call with Maggie Tilton (Banks), the young prostitute who loves him and bears him his son, Newt (Joseph Castanon). Kilmer plays Captain Inish Scull, a Yankee aristocrat and hero of the recently concluded Mexican War. Griffiths plays Inez Scull, the Captain's sexy wife who doesn't hesitate to fill her time with other men when he's away from home. Wes Studi plays Comanche Chief Buffalo Hump.



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SpunkySelfTwitter It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.
Forumrxes Yo, there's no way for me to review this film without saying, take your *insert ethnicity + "ass" here* to see this film,like now. You have to see it in order to know what you're really messing with.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
BasicLogic What I want to say for this so-called "Prequel" is that if those two main great characters in "Lonesome Dove" were developed and evolved from these two guys in this prequel, then I should call it a 'Mircale'. Because these two guys in this drama series or, should I say, if the writer of "Comanche Moon" was indeed Larry Mcgarrity as who wrote "Lonesome Dove", all I could say is ugly duckling indeed could become white swan later.What we saw in this mini-series was just a bunch of illiterate morons, imbeciles and stupid clowns, all from comic books. There's no way these two guys could have been evolved into those two guys later in "Lonesome Dove". All we got in this whole mini-series were just a bunch of brainless yoyos messed around like blind dogs chasing their own tails and didn't know what was what. They were just like headless chickens aimlessly running around in Taxas, shamelessly called themselves "Taxas Rangers". My god, if all the western genre novels, movies or mini-series are just full of such pathetic characters, then they'd be just worthless jokes.I do think that after won the Pulitzer, making "Lonesome Dove" so successfully popular, the author just wanted to keep cashing-in with prequels and sequels. Yet sadly speaking, none of them was as good as "Lonesome Dove", especially "Comanche Moon" and, by god, the adapted mini-series was even worse, all the figures in it simply all turned into laughable retarded jerks."Street of Loredo", the sequel to "Lonesome Dove", by the way, is at least serious enough, but the sad encountering of the story is miserable and anti-climax, completely toppled the greatness of its precedent origin.
nightrider69432 Look, Lonesome Dove is one of the best books ever written. The mini series with Robert Duval and Tommy Lee Jones was excellent. Unfortunately none of the sequels or prequels have stood up to the original. After reading and watching Comanche Moon I'm still waiting to see why Call and McRae became the famous Texas rangers that they were in Lonesome Dove. Comanche Moon is one of the stupidest books that I have ever read and the TV series was just as bad. I'm still waiting to see Jake Spoon earned his undeserved reputation as a gunfighter. Deets character was not developed at all. Nothing happened in the entire book or movie. The Black Vaquero was killed by a parrot for God sake! The Indian stealing the horse and then giving it to the Mexican psycho, Skull heading off after it on foot, and then they eat the damned thing...stupid from beginning to end. This series and the book were two huge wastes of my time. It's funny how some people can write a great book, so you read it and then run out to get another one of their works only to discover that the first book was the only good book that they ever wrote. Very disappointing, don't know why CBS bothered.
beckaleck Lonesome Dove is my favorite western second only to The Searchers with John Wayne. I watch Lonesome Dove about every 6 months and never get tired of it. I have read all the LD books, although I cannot remember much of Comanche Moon. I too looked forward to this mini-series and decided to tape it on our DVR so we could fast forward through commercials. Unfortunately, I messed up and didn't record the first part, but decided to watch the other parts and try to pick up.There is nobody that can ever compete with Robert Duvall or Tommy Lee Jones, and I was expecting to be disappointed and I was.Although there were so many things that didn't ring true, the most apparent to me was when Nellie died the day before and Gus was out on the range, it switched over to Clara writing him a letter from Nebraska telling him how sorry she was to hear of her death. How in the world could she have known the next day way out in Nebraska? Additionally, it was supposed to be 7 years later after her leaving and her children looked to be about 6-7 years old, maybe a little younger, yet more time went on before they actually moved to Lonesome Dove, and in Lonesome Dove they had been there about 10 years or longer before leaving to Montana. When they stopped at Clara's in Nebraska, which probably took another 6 months on the trail, the girls looked to be about 10-13, since they were playing in the yard like little children. The math just does not add up.I agree that the man who played Gus had a lot of his mannerisms and looked a little like Gus may have looked as a young man.I am also a little confused about one thing. The captive white girl that they brought back - was she the one they captured when they raided Austin? They said she had been captured 25 years ago, but if she was the one captured in Austin, it was only 7 years later when this took place in the movie. Was she captured earlier? I remember seeing a captive girl after they raided the town and don't know if this is the same one. If someone can explain since I missed Part 1. If it had been 25 years, she would probably be over 40 years old when they found her since she looked to be grown lying on the ground. Also, the way they were ravaging her when they captured her, it is hard to believe she would have lived to go on to be married and having Indian children.I have to admit though, nothing is worse than John Voight playing Call in the sequel to Lonesome Dove or the unbelievable marriage of Lorena to Pea Eye in the McMurty sequel to Lonesome Dove, which was never explained either. Also, the way he killed Newt off was I hear from spite for them doing the sequel with John Voight without his approval.If anyone can clear up these discrepancies, I would appreciate.
texaspops2 Parrots? PARROTS? I have been around this old earth longer than most and have seen nearly all the westerns that have have produced. Old West history is my passion. Comanche Moon is one of the most poorly produced, directed and acted stories I have ever seen. There was very little historical accuracy but then, it is obvious you were operating on a shoestring budget whichplayed a distinct roll in this insult to intelligence. I am happy that I TIVO'd this show. It was bad enough having to sit and watch the movie plus put up with the inane commercials. Once again, there was not one actor that came anywhere near convincing. I kept hoping it would improve as the three days progressed. WRONG! I'm ashamed to say I wasted 4 1/2 hours of what precious little time I have left.

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