
2002 "Where does comedy come from?"
6.9| 1h22m| en

A look at the work of two stand-up comics, Jerry Seinfeld and a lesser-known newcomer, detailing the effort and frustration behind putting together a successful act and career while living a life on the road.


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WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Teddie Blake The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Aneesa Wardle The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
wandereramor Believe it or not, there was once a time when the world didn't know that stand-up comedians were all deep and self-loathing people. A decade before podcasts and FX shows would smother us with comedians' suffering geniuses, the documentary film Comedian set out to show that stand-up comedy, far from being a fun hobby, is a difficultyThe film does so by following two comedians -- Jerry Seinfeld, who was "as big as it gets", and the up-and-coming Orny Adams. Contrary to my expectations, Seinfeld was relatively likable, while the struggling young guy turned came off as a cocky hack. In theory Adams could make for a great documentary character, like the megalomaniac Troy Duffy of Overnight, and there are certainly hilariously clueless moments (folders labeled "JEWISH JOKES" and "DATING JOKES" stand out). But the film is never really sure how to deal with his narrative and ends up forgetting it entirely by the end.Seinfeld's portions would have made a great 20-minute short, but as a feature-length documentary Comedian doesn't really go deep enough into the creative process. There are only so many times that we can hear that comedy is hard work. Filmmaking is hard work too, and a little more of it would have made this more than a watchable but inessential travelogue.
Sirus_the_Virus The documentary Comedian is basically the story of a genius and a hack. The genius, being Jerry Seinfeld. Come on, he is. He did the best TV show ever created, he is such a funny guy. He's the richest comedian in the world actually.The hack being a guy named Orny Adams. I know, that is a horrible name. Orny Adams is a hack. He's not funny, he is too sensitive when people don't lime his material. He thinks he's so funny. On an episode of Seinfeld, Jerry is heckled by a woman named Toby. Later on in the episode, George convinces Jerry to go to her office and heckle her. I can picture Orny Adams doing that. " You can't be in this business if you can't take it". Well, clearly Orny Adams shouldn't be in the business. Cause he can't take anything. Seinfeld is obviously a genius. Orny though, is a cocky, ass hole. Seinfeld , as it shows here, thinks of himself of not being good enough." I have no excuse, I just wasn't good". That is something that he says in this movie. Orny on the other hand is the exact opposite. From the very first scene you can tell.The film, is about two comedians. The two I have been talking about the entire review. How hard it is to make people laugh and how annoying and cocky some people are in the world. I was more than glad to see little of Orny, cause he was so annoying.The film, isn't entirely funny. I know, a genius comedian and some other genius comedians are in it. You'd expect a documentary about comedians to be funny right? Well, I didn't exactly. And do you know what, it wasn't really. But it's very interesting. and it's good to see Jerry Seinfeld back. No matter who says otherwise, Orny, you blow, Seinfeld, you're the best there is. And after seeing Seinfeld in this, the Bee movie, and other things, I have one thing to say. More.Comedian:A-
JamesGriswold I have watched this twice and it seems you have to personally want/need to entertain to appreciate it. The process of performing or a performance is both immensely nerve racking and ultimately very satisfying. Comedian will draw you in to that process as opposed to entertaining you as a viewer with stand-up comedy. The main quest is the pursuit of a lengthy comedy act. Seinfeld's personal struggle is not intensely dramatic or humorous but rather very compelling to you the performer; "how can I validate myself all over again when I don't need the money, what am I here for?" I would recommend this to anyone who wants to do stand-up or sketch comedy or theater, or any other live performance for that matter. If this is you then you will appreciate the process Seinfeld goes through because it is the journey back to his calling, what made Seinfeld matter to you and me.
Andariel Halo This was a movie I saw in a time period when the only two movies I was likely to go and see where this one, and "Bowling for Columbine". I picked this one because I was a fan of Jerry Seinfeld's work and stand-up comedy.What a disaster! I fully knew this was a documentary and I had seen documentaries before, but this was just a disaster. How it got past studio executives must have involved some shady dealings involving bribes or something.The picture quality is abysmal, and the audio quality is so terrible you can't understand what the people are talking about unless they are on stage or in an enclosed area like a car.The "documentary" consisted of Jerry or Ray Romano or some dickweed called "Orny" telling jokes, getting their jokes cut off right before the punchline, and then talking about their crappy careers and how they've either gone down the toilet (as with Jerry and Ray) or are taking off sluggishly (as with "Orny"). There are some conversations with big names like Larry David in a café or something, but you can't understand these, as the background noise is three times louder than their conversation. At some point, Jerry or Ray Romano manage to sneak in a joke before the camera cuts them off, but for the most part, the majority of the jokes are completely cut off right before the punchline. Orny was not funny at all.Worst movie ever. This was the first movie I walked out of. Luckily for me, "Bowling for Columbine" was just starting in another theater and I snuck into that one. Best decision ever. Best documentary of 2002. I laughed, I cried, I applauded when it ended