Why so much hype?
This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Bluebell Alcock
Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies
Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen looks like a very over-produced film (every scene features loud bright colours, neon lights, heavy costume design..etc)and the scene where Lola and Carla (Megan Fox) are sitting in the auditorium features heavy blurring, thereby making the scene a tad jarring. I did think that Lohan, Garcia and Kane gave solid performances even if the latter two didn't get as much screen time.The film is far from the worst ever made, but it is definitely one of Lohan's weaker films, especially compared to the likes of "Freaky Friday" and "Mean girls". I don't think the film is terrible per say just a little boring and very predictable. It was clearly a good children's book, just not compelling enough a story for filming. One for younger girls I'm afraid.
bob the moo
I'm not looking for sympathy here you know. I knowingly and willingly recorded and watched a film called "Confessions of a Drama Queen", knowing full well at the time that it starred Lindsay Lohan and that it was unlikely to offer the sort of mature character development that I would normally look for in a drama. So I admit that I came into it knowing what it could be but just quite curious about what it could do anyway. The answer is not a great deal other than the very obvious colourful "teens in control" story with big bright characters, lots of music and fantasy ideas of teenage confidence and acceptance. It is nonsense but it is not "bad" when you consider that this is just what it is aiming for.The plotting is roundly poor and the delivery is much the same and I imagine that it is only fans of Disney movies or Lohan herself will warm to it. For me though I found the naïve, cloying and obvious sentimentality to be like a pillow pushing down on the face of any charm and genuine wit that the film might have had. It is not totally without appeal because I suppose teenage girls do like these fantasy films where people just like them with pushing parents and school problems get to meet the pop star of their dreams, be proved right after all, find a boyfriend etc indeed the sheer volume of "good things" that happen at once in the final scene of the film just showed a real contempt for the audience in my opinion. Of course that is nothing compared to the contempt it showed for other things and viewers who make it to the end to hear Lohan belting out Changes and For the City without a single bit of feeling or emotion in her performance will understand what I mean.Lohan is not to blame because she is doing what the film requires and for those that like her in this bubbly mode then that is what she delivers. I found it grating and banal but she has gotten very rich off this act so who I am to say it doesn't work? Pill does little and even Transformers' Megan Fox fails to bring her villain to life, she sneers but she doesn't convince and like Lohan she just seemed lack heart. Kane takes her money for an embarrassing turn while Garcia is a preening c*ck who just made me cringe every time he crossed the screen.Par for the course then. Lonely teenage girls looking for something better in life may look to this as an unthreatening fantasy they can get lost in for a few hours but otherwise it is a pointless film that offers nothing of interest or lasting value, even narrative touches that offered the potential for imagination and creativity are delivered with the same horrid plastic shrink wrap of mass production that infects the rest of this product.
Mary Elizabeth Cep, or Lola as she likes to be known, is moving from New York City to the suburbs of Dellwood, New Jersey with her mother and younger twin sisters. On her first day at school, she met Ella who also happened to be a fan of her favourite rock band Sidarthur. The two became friends since.At the school, there is also Carla Santini. She is the most popular girl and always gets what she wants. But in the new school play on an adaptation of 'Pygamlion', both girls wanted the coveted role. For Lola, this is one step closer for her to achieve the dream of being actress one day.One day, Lola found out that her favourite rock band has separated and will be holding their final concert in New York. The problem is, even Carla is going as well.In a race to be the most popular girl around, what will the teen from New York to suburban New Jersey do to be ahead of Carla? All the usual teenage issues are being shown. Who is popular and not and so on. I especially like the scene where Lindsay Lohan's (who plays Lola) hair is being messed up while trying to get ready for the concert. Kind of funny.
Every time Lohan succeeds in some small way and rolls her eyes to the heavens with that butter-wouldn't-melt look on her freckly face it gets a little bit more like having your toenails removed with rusty forks. Considering her well-documented party girl exploits and devil may care approach to life as a Hollywood actress, it's hard to be convinced by this sugar & spice portrayal of a schoolgirl living out her fantasies clad in increasingly ridiculous getups. The central theme of newby versus evil prom queen was done with much greater irony and considerably more aplomb in Lohan's worryingly similar vehicle 'Mean Girls', and so this reporter urges you to see that instead.Be warned