ridiculous rating
Good concept, poorly executed.
The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
Benmo Ben
I'm not gonna touch the subject or the story line. Democrats or Republican are the two sides of same coin. What I would like to question: Who tout that Kerry Washington is a fit for this role? After three seasons of Scandal (two more that I should had watch) and a few movies, I can't see why someone consider that she's a phenomenal actress. Let's just observe her performance, her facial expression is the same on every emotional situation; a happy scene, an angry one, an intense or an excited one; her facial expression is the same and that is not the mark of let's say a good acting skill.
Outstanding study of the Clarence Thomas-Anita Hill controversy of 1991 with Greg Kinnear a standout as Sen. Joseph Biden, head of the senate committee investigations the allegations made by Prof. Hill. Kinnear actually sounded like Joe Biden and he was quick to profanity behind the scenes.The person portraying Prof. Hill, Kerry Washington, did not come across as a college professor until things really began to heat up.Definitely a fine film showing how politics entered into the fray. Too bad that Jennifer Hudson's character never was able to testify. It would have brought out more from the Oscar winner Hudson.The man who played Sen. Simpson from Wyoming gave a convincing supporting performance.Certainly the affects of the controversy played a major role in women gaining political clout as shown by the 1992 elections.
I got around to watching the latest from HBO Films the other night. If you recall all the hoopla surrounding Anita Hill and SCOTUS nominee, Clarence Thomas, back in '91- the pubic hair on the Coke can, "Long Dong Silver", etc..- this movie will bring back some, um, "memories"-??? confused emoticon Kerry Washington plays the law professor who brings up these issues at the time, and Wendell Pierce is Thomas. The film goes into how reluctant Hill was to get involved- how she was sorta drawn into the whole thing, and how Republicans and Democrats (mostly made up of men who were involved in their own sex scandals at the time) really didn't want to delve too deep into the issue. Greg Kinnear plays Joe Biden, who was the reluctant head of the investigating committee. Treat Williams is well cast as Ted Kennedy. This was yet another really well-done film in the line of HBO originals. Even if you don't want to revisit that whole controversy, I think you will enjoy all the goings-on in backrooms, and the observing of the political processes. Definite thumbs up for this movie. Jennifer Hudson and Eric Stonestreet co-star.
Great casting, writing, and performances. It's very difficult to separate political opinions from opinions about this film. As usual, HBO does a great job depicting these accusations and subsequent hearings objectively and inspiring discussion about them. Since they don't cast Thomas in a very good light, I'm guessing the lower rating is due to some Thomas defenders who don't want to be reminded of the accusations. It's difficult to watch this in light of Thomas's subsequent lackluster performance on the Supreme Court without concluding that Bush should have withdrawn the nomination. Both Kerry Washington and Wendell Pierce did an outstanding job, as did the entire cast. I remember this well and the movie is historically accurate -- no matter who seeks to deny it.