
2017 "Let the flour fly!"
4.4| 1h38m| R| en

Amateur 'chefs' from around the country compete for a million dollar prize in the ultimate food fight.


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Cebalord Very best movie i ever watch
Whitech It is not only a funny movie, but it allows a great amount of joy for anyone who watches it.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Koldenstedt I loved this movie. This will be a cult classic! Maybe not in my lifetime... but trust me!
travelinman4 When they talk about the worst movies of all time, it is very clear this movie was not released, until the producers thought they could capitalize on the fact that Melissa McCarthy may be in the movie. Worst ... movie I may have ever seen, or wasted my time watching ...
vietvetinf Okay....It is probably my fault....I watched this movie just to see M Mecarthy.....not realizing that the movie had been collecting dust, unreleased for a decade.....My fault, I guess......but that being said there is really nothing good about this film....It is not really funny.....the acting is juvenile, and the writing is atrocious...... Really I have nothing good to say about this travesty.....sorry I wasted my money.....hope this helps you save yours!!!
pamelaliberi The Movie " COOK OFF" made my husband and myself laugh like crazy! Cathryn Michion, Melissa McCarthy and all the other actors and actress's, were absolutely fabulous in their roles! I couldn't stop laughing and I still can't stop laughing. The opening credits were so very creative, I have never seen anything like that before, that blew my mind! When I saw that, I just knew this move was going to be great and it was! I suggest that everybody please go see this! This will lift up your spirits, you will smile, laugh all day long and for days after that, too! It's one of the funniest movies I have seen in a very long time! Thank you for making my hubby and I laugh so very much. I am telling all of my friends to go see this great and very funny 10 star movie! I promise you will laugh all day long and after that, too! Enjoy!