Cop Car

2015 "Their first drive could be their last."
6.3| 1h28m| R| en

Two kids find themselves in the centre of a deadly game of cat and mouse after taking a sheriff's cruiser for a joy ride.


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Park Pictures Features


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Also starring James Freedson-Jackson

Also starring Hays Wellford


BlazeLime Strong and Moving!
Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Micah Lloyd Excellent characters with emotional depth. My wife, daughter and granddaughter all enjoyed it...and me, too! Very good movie! You won't be disappointed.
Keira Brennan The movie is made so realistic it has a lot of that WoW feeling at the right moments and never tooo over the top. the suspense is done so well and the emotion is felt. Very well put together with the music and all.
Ed-Shullivan I'm sure there are many viewers who just do not believe this plot is realistic. I mean, why would a small town sheriff (Kevin Bacon) leave his cop car unattended while in the process of burying a man he just killed? No, I never did run into a similar incident but as a young boy my friends and I found ourselves in a few positions of opportunity that most young boys would run away from whereas we ran towards the trouble.These two young boys named Travis (James Freedson-Jackson) and Harrison (Hays Wellford) feed off of each others sense of adventure and as their respective parents are somewhat absent (Harrison is being raised by his grandmother and Travis has his mother and a stepfather) they stumble upon Sherif Kretzer's unattended cop car and like two kittens who start pawing at a ball of yarn, before they can say MEOW their next behind the cop car's wheel and rolling down them there hills doing 100 miles per hour.This film takes place over a short span of a few hours and as most parents can attest to as well as any juvenile delinquent, it does not take these two particular ten year old mischievous boys long to find a little bit of trouble escalate into a whole lot of trouble. When the boys stop their joyriding they soon realize that there is someone in the trunk of the cop car who Sheriff Kretzer has certainly laid a pretty bad beating on. The boys untie the bloodied prisoner (Shea Whigham) only to have the man they just helped confiscate their rifles they have been playing around with and lock the two mischievous boys in the back of the cop car using them as bait waiting for just the right opportunity to get his revenge on Sheriff Kretzer.It's a cat and mouse game and these two young boys did not deserve the fate bestowed upon them but nor did they have to initiate it either by stealing a cop car. The film is not without some faults but let's just say "that stupid is, as stupid does, and trash like this can and does happen from time to time." I liked the film overall and I give it a 7 out of 10 rating.
jtncsmistad Hey, I'm as big a fan of Kevin Bacon as the next guy. Or gal. Oh, let's just say human. I thought his presence in the 2015 film "Cop Car" would make it a worthwhile ride. Alas, with a nod to the vernacular of the '60's hippie culture, it was more like a bad trip, man.With scenes appearing to suggest that it is cute to observe 10-year-old boys "play" with guns, and then watch as these same children drive a stolen vehicle at 80 miles per hour, "Cop Car" feasts upon the bottom of the barrel in a desperate attempt at hip and edgy entertainment.In the end it is all at the expense of any scrap of entertainment at all.
NateWatchesCoolMovies Cop Car is the sort of callous thriller that socks you right in the gut, then kicks you in the nuts before you've had a chance to grab a breath. It's premise is simple: on the quiet plains of rural Colorado, two young lads wander about aimlessly, practicing their cuss words and trying to impress one another with various mischief. All of a sudden they stumble on a seemingly abandoned cop car in a secluded glen. What do they do? They do what any respectable, rational one of us would, of course. They steal the thing and careen about across the terrain, before taking off down the highway. It's just their luck that the vehicle happens to belong to Sheriff Kretzer (Kevin Bacon) an evil son of a bitch who's just about as far from the law as one can get. He was out there doing dark deeds in the bush, and arrives back to find his cruiser gone, reacting with an amusing fight or flight tantrum not unlike that of a cornered coyote. Bacon has a canine look to him as well, amplified by the fact that he's in his late 50's and is looking all brittle and scary as hell these days. He panics and goes on a mad yet calculated hunt to find the car before his dirty little secrets are flung about the county and his jig is up. Employing MacGyver worthy tricks, chilling cruelty and a bone rattling, hyena esque cackle, he hunts the two youngsters down relentlessly, and they elude him through sheer dumb luck. Speaking of dumb, the kids are remarkably stupid even for ten year olds, and it's tough for the film to draw forth any sympathy from us by any means other than the fact that they are children, run disastrously amok. They're forced not only to deal with Bacon, but a sleazeball who they find bloodied up in his trunk, played by the ever entertaining Shea Wigham. He has an exchange of dialogue with the boys that will separate those with a dark, messed up sense of humour from those without, and I was laughing up a storm. The film reminded me of similarly vehicular themed thrillers like The Hitcher and Duel, and can certainly be put on that same pedestal of quality. Blood, burnt rubber, sweat and tears abound here, and what's more, the thing makes sense in its turn of events. So many thrillers erupt into bombastic and unbelievable plot turns that serve shock value or simply exist to be a showcase piece for the trailer. This one gallops along a series of events that are stacked up like a nasty Jacob's Ladder of fate, each step of the way a logical piece of the story, nothing brashly jumping at us or taking us out of the story. Admirable traits, not found too often these days. Watch for Camryn Manheim and an invisible Kyra Sedgwick as well. A lean, mean little flick, guaranteed to raise a pulse and steal a few well earned, guilty grins from you, as well as impress you with it's competence in execution, and restraint in keeping things fast, to the point and mean to the core.
Claudio Carvalho In the countryside, the runaway kids Travis (James Freedson-Jackson) and Harrison (Hays Wellford) find a police car in the field in the middle of nowhere and they decide to drive it. A woman (Camryn Manheim) sees the boys in the police car on the road. When they stop the car, they find a man (Shea Whigham) tied with rope in the trunk. However, Travis and Harrison release the man that subdue them and prepares a trap for Kretzer. Meanwhile the dirty Sheriff Kretzer (Kevin Bacon) finds that his car was taken by the boys and he tries to retrieve it. What will happen to them?"Cop Car" is a terrible and overrated film with a boring story and annoying boys. The IMDb User Rating lures unwary viewers that expect to see a decent B-movie. My vote is three.Title (Brazil): "A Viatura" ("Cop Car")