Copper Canyon

1950 "The story of the Old West's valley of violence!"
6.2| 1h24m| NR| en

A group of copper miners, Southern veterans, are terrorized by local rebel-haters, led by deputy Lane Travis. The miners ask stage sharpshooter Johnny Carter to help them, under the impression that he is the legendary Colonel Desmond. It seems they're wrong; but Johnny's show comes to Coppertown and Johnny romances lovely gambler Lisa Roselle, whom the miners believe is at the center of their troubles.


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Redwarmin This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place
NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
Abegail Noëlle While it is a pity that the story wasn't told with more visual finesse, this is trivial compared to our real-world problems. It takes a good movie to put that into perspective.
Kayden This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama
sadie_thompson First off, I love Ray Milland. He's so cool and collected. The man can wear golden hoop earrings and fend off Marlene Dietrich without looking the slightest bit unnerved (see "Golden Earrings"). He's calm in this also, and he doesn't even attempt to let you in on the whole "Is he the guy or isn't he?" conflict that runs through this film. (I also enjoy the COMPLETELY different "Is she or isn't she?" of "Johnny Guitar," but that's another story.) I rarely discuss the plot (I'm usually distracted) but Ray Milland is approached to help some former Rebels who are being cheated by former Yankees. Sort of a "You killed my son so I won't buy your product" thing. That gives Ray a chance to deliver a disgustingly sappy speech direct from Abraham Lincoln. Discrimination of any kind is a touchy subject, and it is difficult to get it into a film without offending someone, so A for effort on that point.Hedy "The Most Beautiful Girl in the World" Lamarr is the good-bad girl. Or is it the bad-good girl? She's the seemingly bad girl who proves to be good in the end. There we go. She's gorgeous in color, and that's definitely the highlight of her performance. There has never been any reason to have women in westerns--I've always hated that. They just stand around looking delicate and lovely (how they managed to do that in the old West where the ratio of men to women was staggering I'll never know). They're something to fight over, but that's it. Hedy tries to worm her way into the plot, but when the action starts she's out of the running. "Johnny Guitar" isn't like that, but those aren't regular "women" in the usual sense of the word. I for one desperately wanted to see Hedy pick up her shotgun and blow her corrupt not-boyfriend right out of the saddle. But no. She had to stand on the porch and watch the action from afar. She did blow him out of the saddle a few times, but that was different, and of course sex-related. I think I would have appreciated this film more had Ray Milland been a simpering entertainer and Barbara Stanwyck a rough-and-ready female rancher with bone to pick with everyone. Not that Hedy Lamarr's bad, but this isn't her thing. (I also love the obligatory explanation of her accent. In this, she's from New Orleans, where everyone has an accent of some kind. In "Come Live With Me," she's naturally from Austria. They can't just let us wonder why a foreign-accented beauty turns up in Nevada and starts playing poker with the sheriff.)All in all, it's entertaining, but don't roll out the red carpet yet.
wndlz I have not seen this movie recently; but I remember it as an unusually attractive looking film. Color by Technicolor, and colorful costumes by Edith Head, for Hedy Lamarr, helped make this otherwise run of the mill story, eye candy for viewers. Hedy Lamarr looked wonderful as usual; of course this role could not possibly rival that of Delilah. Ray Milland was more fun than usual. I thought character development was superior to most westerns of the time; except perhaps for Hedy's role, which seemed a little ambiguous. Good western. Hedy Lamarr's physical presence was an added bonus.
alexandre michel liberman (tmwest) The fifties were a time of transition for the western genre. Quite a few were using stories that could have taken place anywhere, others kept to the tradition. Copper Canyon is a traditional western, but where no money was spared in the production, with great colors and top actors. Ray Milland is an entertainer (he shows his marksmanship on stage),that comes to a town to help confederates which are being discriminated after the war. Hedy Lamarr is the woman he falls for, very pretty, and during the film you keep wandering if she's not going back to being Delilah again and betray Milland. Macdonald Carey who used to be the leading actor in many westerns, is in a supporting role as the bad guy. This is a light, pleasant entertaining film.
rsoonsa As often throughout his long-running career, urbane Wales born Ray Milland takes on a role that seems on the surface atypical for his native skills, in this instance as Johnny Carter, a vaudeville trick shot artist who was formerly Colonel Desmond, a Confederate Army hero, now coming to the postwar West in search of financial profit and romantic adventure. Although the war is past, Desmond's ability as a military leader is sought by a group of ex-Confederate soldiers, now employed at copper mining, and needful of tactical shelter from a corrupt combine composed of former Union soldiers and mercenary lawmen that does not stop short of murder in preventing the Southerners from transporting their ore to be smelted. Desmond is reluctant to become involved in this affray and we learn that he is sought for the theft of $20000 which he took from the commandant's office in a Union prison camp upon his escape from that establishment, and is therefore determined to hide his true identity within his posture as Carter the entertainer. Through married complexities in the scenario, Desmond is convinced that he should assist his former compatriots and this gives Milland an opportunity to become engaged in a series of highly kinetic adventures involving riding, shooting and, in general, making of himself a nuisance to the villains of this cinematic western romp. On the distaff side, an extraordinarily beautiful Hedy Lamarr is impressive in an ambiguous role as an adventuress from New Orleans who may or may not be allied with the forces of evil, and there are fine portrayals by Mona Freeman, Peggy Knudsen, and giantess Hope Emerson as a dance proprietress. The cast is strengthened by Macdonald Carey as the primary villain of the piece, and he dominates virtually every scene that he is in, and there are solid performances from James Burke, impish Percy Kelton, and Harry Carey, Jr. as a Union officer in love with Caroline Desmond (Freeman), daughter of the patriarch of the miners. Filmed in Technicolor, COPPER CANYON is easy upon the eyes, and the post of director is capably filled by John Farrow, who deals nicely with an overabundance of subplots, yet who concentrates upon those elements which will move the action along smartly, yet allow for development of character. Unfortunately, the production is heavily cut and there are some instances of ragged editing, with a result that the climax and weaving of loose ends is stunningly rushed, and what might have been a standout motion picture must remain at present a pleasant bagatelle of its genre.