Using my best Comic Book Man voice I say, one of the worst........ movies.......... EVER. There is more cheese in this film than in the entire state of Wisconsin.I take that back. Wisconsin is too nice a place to associate with this loser. Sorry Wisconsin. As of this writing, I'm STILL waiting for something to happen in this movie.It is not a total loss though, if viewed in the proper setting. Have your own MST3K night! Pop some corn, chill a bottle or two, and maybe do the twist,,,nudge,nudge ;o) . You'll soon be "riffing" as if you're trapped on a space station ! Peace out from sunny Tennessee.
kai ringler
don't know why these people are bashing the movie,, it's quick, compact, precise to the point , in you're face unique,, original,, some thing new,, that i've never seen anyway,, highly believable,, i mean global warming,, ozone layer, pretty convincing stuff to me,, i thought the movie was funny, interesting, and set out to prove a point and it did so very well i might add, the acting was better than average, it ain't gonna win no academy awards, or Emmie's,, but hey what do you want here from a supposed to be b-grade movie, the parts about the animals acting strange,, the whales getting beached in groups the bees swarming,, the insects,, and the best is the Birds homage to Alfred Hitchcock,, the birds flying into the windows,, now that ladies and gentlemen is a cause to freak out,, and definitely think that the sky is falling. overall i don't have any problems with the movie at all, excellent disaster flick,, not overdone,, not underdone either,, so thumbs up,, to heck with what everyone else is saying on here.
I'm one of those people who really enjoy schlocky B-movies (I thought Category 6 was a good film) but this is an insult.For a start, the movie grinds to a halt in the middle and features 10 minutes of nonstop riot footage.An infinite number of interesting subplots and ideas are thrown out, and it really feels like the production ran out of money at the end! Watch it, as soon as the jet takes off, the money runs out.The plot is absurd, and not good-absurd either. It's BAD-absurd!! The characters make bad decisions just to build some suspense, for example: if your house is overrun by bugs, lock yourself in the closet and wait in there for the bugs to come in and bite you. The same shot of the sun is repeated at least 15 times, and "deadly atmospheric firestorms" are little more than (over)actors writhing in bright light.