Sadly Over-hyped
Just so...so bad
The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Wo0t ! Didn't know life's this carefree, filled with intimate moments where people can have a go anywhere, even the pig farms and barnyards were not spared ! Oh My Good, life sure felt like heaven back then ! This film is wicked, especially since it was way back in the '70s, where the public was still very conventional, and sex scenes in films were frowned upon. There were too much skins shown in the film, one can't believe that this was made some 38 years ago. Even to this day, normally films don't show this much skin, and scenes in farms are still considered too weird and abnormal.I thought the dialogues were too scripted, and does give a feel like one is sitting through one and a half hours of English literature. I've been accustomed with broken English, slang and accents, I felt kind of awkward listening through the dialogues in this film.I think people will like this film for the raunchy sex scenes, but too those who are looking for films which showcase more than just skin and sexual acts, kindly look elsewhere.
I'm sure many people who love gourmet food have heard of Emeril Legasse, the New York-based chef, restaurant owner, T.V. star, and Crest Toothpaste spokesman. You have probably watched his show and heard him humour his audience and Doc Gibbs. He also has urged us to call our cable providers and ask for "Smell-O-Vision". I am glad it doesn't exist as I certainly wouldn't want to smell any of the odors coming from the farm where most of this movie takes place. Actually, the next day I had the nasty smell of the pigs and goats in my mind for some reason.This movie is supposed to be about the culture clash between a family of hillbillies and their sophisticated relative from L.A. who comes for a visit but what it is really about is an excuse to heap out loads of nudity and sex.This, for 1970, is quite an explicit film; even today's softcore films aren't this drenched in skin. Just about everybody gets naked for some country loving. Surprisingly, the women (despite the 1970 look) are pretty sexy. Rene Bond, as Billie Jo, struts her stuff and comes out like the sex kitten she is. I had no complaints about the women and the men play their stereotypical roles to a T. Yes, it is an ugly, stereotypical film at times but also paints an image of sexual freedom away from the stuffy city most of us choose to live in.This movie is shown on Drive-In Classics here in Canada if you can't find the DVD. BTW, the same farm was used a couple years later for "The Pigkeeper's Daughter" because I recognized the shed and pigpens. If you can accept the fact that this was what men and women looked in the nude in the 70's you will enjoy its short runtime. Just don't drink the 'shine.
Woo hoo! This is a country hoedown the likes you ain't seen in darn near a coon's age. Sorry that was just the moonshine talking. Harry Novak (smut peddler extraordinaire) brings up another soft-core sleaze-fest. Uncle Fester and his incestuous clan are having a reunion down on the farm. Plenty of moonshine to go around for the horny bunnies as the "Hee-Haw" gang throw a swell shindig that includes a chicken catch (don't laugh the top prize is a goat, Golly!). It really gets weird when the fun moves to cousin Prudence's city mansion where she plans on making the family out to be a big joke for her socialite friends. Plenty of nudity abound and tons of corniness.If you can tolerate screwball down-home this sexploitation classic could be for you.
1st watched 10/22/2002 - 1 out of 10 (Dir-Bethel Buckalew): Silly soft-core sex movie where everyone eventually gets naked and does the dirty deed. It's amazing that someone put out money to produce this kind of nothing-ness trash and besides this it's actually on DVD now!! Oh, boy!! So they're racking in some more money for producing this nothing-ness. Well, I guess we as the movie-going public kind of contribute to it. Look, I rented it! Please don't follow my example.