
1998 "Just your average bunch of biscuits!"
6.3| 1h30m| en

Larceny, adultery, sabotage and treachery. Yes, just your typical Christmas with the Dredge family! Twelve-year-old Joey Dredge is in trouble again. Expelled for jumping off the school roof, he's haunted by his father's death and hates his mother's new boyfriend and his bullying son. Compounding his misery is the knowledge he has to spend Christmas with them at the family beach house. Things look grim until the unexpected arrival of great-grandfather Albert, fresh from a stint in prison. Forced to share the back shed with this swearing, farting and devious octogenarian, Joey's life changes. Between barbecuing the family dog, performing a self-burial and causing his intended step-father to consume a startling amount of hash, Joey learns a few life lessons from Albert, who despite his many vices may give Joey the strength to accept the past and embrace the future.


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Australian Film Commission


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Interesteg What makes it different from others?
Diagonaldi Very well executed
SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Solidrariol Am I Missing Something?
cbear37 This movie is perhaps my favourite Aussie film of all time! I remember growing up watching it and there wasn't a scene where I didn't have the full blown belly laugh. This is Australian humour at its best!! I recently looked for it on DVD and was deeply saddened to hear it has been discontinued. Searched on ebay and there are copies going for $100+ and I would easily pay that! It really is hilarious! And I don't understand those who say any different!! I LOVE this film!!! Every scene had something funny going on and really show the classic Aussie stereotypes!! Really good story line and fantastic actors!!I couldn't help but notice how the only bad review about this movie came from London, England and as much as they think they may understand our Aussie humour and judge it from that, they clearly don't!! The other reviews, all great and all from Aussies. I spose its one just for us!! But classic Aussie humour, lots of stupid but witty sarcasm and full of the Aussie slang!! Defo one for the favo list!
analog6-1 This tale of a dysfunctional family coming together to share the Christmas spirit is fantastically funny and very heart rending at the same time. It has a message and brings it across well without getting mawkishly sentimental. The humour is very 'pi**take' Australlian but most people will get the message. Warren Mitchell is superb in his role and the supporting cast are all good. You'll laugh and cry and go off with sore stomach muscles. Watch out for the video camera holiday footage from the chookshed!I first saw this movie on a long distance coach trip to spend Christmas with my partner's dysfunctional family, which made it all the funnier!
GIZMO35_PF I'll starts by saying that this comedy is great, might be crude, but hey, this is my type of festive Christmas comedy for me. The characters remind me of the Simpsons, but flipped to be the Australian family from hell, with unusual antics which no normal family would encounter, ever!, especially how the dog gets torched by the Barbie, or the business with the chickens. I always liked Jack, as the mean grandpa, with a black heart against drugs and bugs, we know why we hates bugs (winking). Well, if you don't want to upset your Christmas pudding this Christmas, avoid this, but watch it AFTER Christmas pudding, you'll "crack" up with hysterics, it's like comparing Bad Santa but with a family situation and no security chief with a smarta** for a kid and, without the F word. This movie puts Australians back on our turf.Rated M15+ for Aussies for Drugs, Sex, Violence and Language
tadhoc This film was a typical p***take comedy. I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was funny, sad and typically Australian. My mum cried all the way through it. My dad was pleasantly surprised (he doesn't watch TV much). I think it was really a great film that everyone should see.