Crash of Moons

3.2| 1h18m| NR| en

A three-part episode from the TV series Rocky Jones, Space Ranger edited together and released as a feature for 16mm rental only. Season 1 episodes 21, 22, 23. Episode 21: Rocky saves a space station and his friends when they are trapped between gypsy moons. Episode 22: Cleolanthe tries to destroy one of the gypsy moons with a barrage of missiles. Episode 23: Rocky evacuates the gypsy moon Posetta and stops Cleolanthe's missile barrage.


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Cathardincu Surprisingly incoherent and boring
Siflutter It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Cheryl A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.
O2D Don't believe the people who say this isn't terrible. It's bad on every level and almost impossible to watch in one sitting. I can deal with the cardboard sets and complete lack of action but every word these people say is ponderous. There is literally no need to ever even look at the screen so this should have just been a radio show. Did I mention the main plot device is that things built to be in space can't survive in an atmosphere so they could have never gone to space in the first place? Total trash.
Aaron1375 This is another film that is a series of shows strung together to form a sort of movie. This is the second one I know of featuring Rocky Jones and his copilot/navigator Winky...the other one was titled "Manhunt in Space". That one was centered around a space pirate ring and a new invention on Rocky's ship that turned it invisible. I would have to say that Manhunt was a bit better than this one as it had more action than this one did. This one was very talky and featured way too many shots of ships taking off and landing. I saw this one as a feature on the show, Mystery Science Theater 3000 as they did both this one and "Manhunt". Not sure how long the series ran, but it had to go on for a season or two as each movie is made up of three episodes of the show and in the first one they had already established more than a couple of the villain characters in it suggesting that there were at least more than a couple of shows before the "Manhunt" episodes. Not sure how long it was, but it was probably only a one or two season show because it is one that I had never seen as a child. All the shows they show as repeats it is strange this one never showed up. It really is not that much worse than the original Star Trek.The story in this one has Rocky first having to try and save Bobby, the professor and Vena as they are on a space station that is about to get caught up in the middle of two traveling planets. They later find out that one of the two planets is on a collision course with the planet that is ruled by the somewhat evil queen Cleolanta! So, they have to try and warn her of the impending danger and at the same time escape her clutches as she is a very stupid leader. So it is a race against time so we get lots of talking, lots of takeoffs and finally a crash of moons! This one was a rather good episode of MST3K. With a lot of films they do that are sequels, the sequel tends to get a lot of the same jokes. The Hercules films was especially bad near the end. The second Fugitive Alien also suffered the same fate as did Master Ninja. Not that they were bad episodes, but they all had a been there done that feel. This one they managed to make feel fresh as they did not repeat the same jokes over and over. I also enjoyed the bumps involving the Bannergram as they episode ended in very funny fashion.So, this was not bad, bad...just a lot of inaction going on. If not for the riffs from MST3K, it would have been kind of dull. "Manhunt in Space" featured episodes that were a bit more entertaining as Rocky does more fighting and though there are not many space fights in the series, they once again did more in that episode. This one just had to many scenes where they were talking. I wonder if there were any more of this pieced together films?
jonathan-577 By all appearances this serial could have been made any time since the mid forties. The cardboard sets, the moon kings with lightning bolts sewn onto their aprons, you know the drill. This one is a Rocky Jones adventure, featuring the space cop's dealings with the insufferable Bitch Queen of planet Offeecious, a commie planet that won't join the United Planets. When the noble messengers of intergalactic reason announce that Offeecious is on a collision course with this other, vaguely Slavic planet, Bitch Queen decides to blow the other guys up rather than evacuate her land. This introduces a moral to the effect of "The greatness of a nation is not in its land, but its people," which is hammered home five or six times in the climactic talkfest. The BQ's constant nasal ranting about "OffEEEEcious" provides relief from some seriously wanting space effects, is this a TV show?
sbs5cats Excellent entertainment value when viewed as the MST3K version! Everyone is a hoot, and John Banner appears in a rare serious role as the ruler of one of the doomed planets. Don't forget to send a Bannergram. Oh, and don't forget to watch Manhunt in Space, as well.