Crazy Stone

7.6| 1h38m| en

Three thieves try to steal a valuable jade that is tightly guarded by a security chief. But the security guards are not the only obstacle these thieves are facing. An extremely unlucky internationally known master thief is also trying to get a hand on this piece of precious jade. What would be the final destination of this piece of crazy stone?


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Warner China Film HG Corporation


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BoardChiri Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
mncfjzg For those who don't know much about the movie regulation system in China,just imagine you are a child from a very old-fashioned Christian family,if you don't listen,the chance you get grounded or abused is sky high.That's why the first time I saw this movie,confusion stroke me very,very hard,I mean,how could you expect someone lives in touchable fear all his life can make a piece of art like this?This movie,rarely,portrays Chinese social environment right on points and humor comes out of it very smoothly,you started feel a part of this movie at the beginning,and that explains why every single time the funny plot surfaces,nothing could stop you from uncontrolled laugh,of course you'll laugh,you know the characters,it's your father,your brother and the chick you saw in the movie theater,when things happen to people you feel familiar with,your emotion react much stronger than you think.The story lines,too,are one of the best I've seen in years,plots are puzzled but totally make sense to you,whenever lines crashes with each other,you know you are gonna laugh.I give this movie 10 points for the surprise it gives me,the thoughts expressed in the movie,and the respect to normal Chinese people the director showed.
Jimmy Wang Actually, I don't like too many China movies, their story is pale, although I am a Chinese. But The "Crazy stone" is excepted, it's really a good story. We could see rare movies which story and presentation like Crazy Stone in China, so we can say it become a milestone for china movie (no including HongKong and Taiwan, you know what i mean). Splendid story and wonderful actors performance, making this film more special. Also, you can learn something true about China daily life, so it doesn't just make us happy, but some blue and black deep inside. We can see the shadow of "Pulp Fiction" in this movie, I just guess the director HaoNing is the fan of Quentin Tarantino, who knows, but we see his shadow indeed. And this never happened in any other China mainland movie, although HongKong movie is the teacher of Quentin Tarantino. In a word, I favor this movie for its good creativity and good cut.
akgs From plot to transition, from angle of lens to rhythmic montage, from editing to tone, from contrast to freeze frame..., you can get the impression involving Guy Ritchie, who may be referred as the Godfather of Film Noir. This story starts with a priceless emerald, a squad of slack guards and two gangs of thieves, one of which is amateur, while the other is professional judging from the looking. It is not difficult to speculate what would happen from this kind of stereotyped beginning. We can't tell which part is the imitation and which is the original. It's a concise and smart comedy, somehow, whose genre is quite different from traditional dramas we can watch at the Chinese cinema. Anyway, for the director, we can say, it's almost an perfect homework. It would make somebody laugh, but it is difficult to have the audience impressed as a milestone movie.
lihans0518 Just when i gave up on Chinese movies, there came the Crazy Stone. It brought me so much fun and made me to regain the hope for the Chinese movies. Never would I consider any liberal and entertaining stuff, such as the Crazy Stone, coming out nowadays from a social context that was tightly controlled, like the Chinese political environment.With a brand new vision the young and open minded director Hao Ning, again, showed us his talents of convincing over people's pockets and their hearts. The director, simply like anyone else, sees the craziness in today's China and has the urge to express his and also everybody else's bewilderness, coz everybody is so lost in front of the money. people do not know where they are and where to go , more crazily, they do not have the rights and power to know about it, so why do not people just make fun of the whole madness, isn't it what China all about now, chaos and craziness... ...

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