Creature of the Walking Dead

1965 "Horror-Cade of Excitement"
2.9| 1h12m| en

Brought back to life by his grandson, a diabolical scientist with an unquenchable thirst for blood goes on a rampage. A revision of the Mexican horror film LA MARCA DEL MUERTE, considerably edited and with 20 minutes of new American-made footage.


Producted By

Jerry Warren Productions Inc.


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Supelice Dreadfully Boring
Beystiman It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Rainey Dawn This is far from being a good film but I think it's a little bit better than awful. I found it on the interesting side even though it is a chopped up version of 'La Marca Del Muerto' with extra footage, dubbing and cutting out scene from the original film.I am one of the weird people that found Jerry Warren's 'Face of the Screaming Werewolf' strangely appealing - and that is an awful film. 'Creature of the Walking Dead' isn't quite as bad as 'Screaming Werewolf' to me. Something about both films bad films that I like - I think it's the oddness of the films that attracts me.Creature of the Walking Dead is not a film that horror fans should see - it's one to easily pass up but is watchable for some.6/10
Michael_Elliott Creature of the Walking Dead (1965)** (out of 4) The horror. The fear. The terror. Jerry Warren strikes back with another hack job. This time he takes the Mexican horror film LA MARCA DEL MUERTO and adds voice-over narration, new scenes with American actors and hacks up the original film. The "original" movie was about a mad scientist who discovers eternal life so he kills young women for their blood. The scientist is eventually killed for his crimes but centuries later a relative, also a scientist, digs up his body, gives it a blood transfusion and the old mad scientist is back alive and committing more crimes.Obviously it's impossible to fully judge the original film since it's dubbed here, edited down and of course there's the new footage. With that said, watching the footage here certainly makes me want to seek out that film because there was some nice moments in it including a rather good looking monster, some nice atmosphere scattered throughout and it has a fairly interesting story. The sets are all rather cheap and silly looking but at the same time that adds a little charm.Director Warren made some movies on his own like TEENAGE ZOMBIES and FRANKENSTEIN ISLAND. Whenever Warren made movies on his own they were usually downright awful with very little actually going for them. He often bought the rights to foreign movies and did hack jobs like this one here. His most popular was probably HALF HUMAN with John Carradine. So, how is this film? For the most part it's entertaining thanks in large part to the original footage. The narration added here is all rather silly and there's no question that the newly added footage is horrible. As with his other hack jobs, the new footage is just a group of American actors sitting around and talking about stuff.
Chuck Straub Had to do some research on this one. This film was originally a Mexican film directed by Frederic Corte and titled 'La Marca Del Muerto' American director Jerry Warren bought the rights, threw in a few new scenes, took out a lot of the dialogue and dubbed the rest in English. Mostly instead of dialogue he gave it narration explaining what you are viewing. You can really tell the difference from the original scenes and the ones that were added by Warren. The original footage seemed to have great atmosphere had a neat Gothic look about it. The added American scenes are terrible. The constant narration is aggravating and the scenes added by Warren are almost laughable. I have to say almost laughable because it's really a shame that he probably butchered the original 'La Marca Del Muerto'. It might have been nice to see it before the hack job and with legitimate dubbing. Creature of the Walking Dead is a pretty bad movie. It's not worth your time to view this film only to end up disappointed.