Creepshow 3

2006 "The most fun you'll ever have being scared!"
3.2| 1h44m| R| en

This follow-up to the George Romero/Stephen King-launched anthology series features five new tales of horror and a wraparound. The main stories deal with alternative realities ("Alice"), possessed communication devices ("The Radio"), vampires and serial killers in lust ("Call Girl"), mad inventors ("The Professor's Wife"), and hauntings from beyond the grave ("Haunted Dog").


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Creepy Film Productions


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Libramedi Intense, gripping, stylish and poignant
MamaGravity good back-story, and good acting
Helloturia I have absolutely never seen anything like this movie before. You have to see this movie.
Sarita Rafferty There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.
Dr Jacques COULARDEAU It took that third opus a long time to get out, twenty years mind you. It's nearly an afterthought: how can such two good successful films by Stephen King and George Romero be continued twenty years later? First because the period during which the title was controlled exclusively by the first author and director must have come to its end, liberating the title, otherwise it should have been attached to the original proprietors and paid for.But it is hard to go back to the concept of these Creepshows and some changes have to be introduced. The very first change is that there is some continuity in the whole film because some actors and their roles go from one episode to the next or the one after the next. Some situations too are similar or even the same, not to speak of some objects like cars. The next change is the style. This film really targets the grossest effects we can imagine. Gross is not necessarily bad but in this case it is done without much finesse and from gross we move to sickening and that is the lowest level in horror stories or movies according to Stephen King himself. And along that line the director does not hesitate to introduce human beings who suddenly turn into very monstrous beings that can resuscitate after having been killed, resuscitate to haunt a living drug-addicted doctor for example, etc. And of course the concept of a mad scientist or technician is introduced with no real delicacy. The story of his wife – real or not real – Frankenstein or simple aging lustful old man – and how she ends up in a microwave oven is just plain funny. It was supposed to be a prank at first and it ran out to be a slaughterhouse scene with so much blood we just wonder if it is not half a dozen wives and not only one. And at the end the mad scientist marries her finally but this time it is so openly a recomposed body that there is no doubt at all any more. We are dealing with Doctor Frankenstein, middle name Lego, playing with body parts as if they were some press-in parts, pieces and pawns.We definitely are not in a comic strip adventure for a young teenager, male preferably, but for some older teenagers, male as well as female, or whatever gender they may decide to have, trying to experience some disquieting experience that is supposed to make their stomach growl and their intestine dance some frantic tarantella from their waist to their groin, though it remains rather soft and bashful at this lower level.Enjoy the film, but after a light dinner if you do not want to have some accident generally attributed to airsickness in a plane or road-sickness in a bus or a car. And be sure you take a sleeping pill afterwards to avoid all kinds of nightmares.Dr. Jacques COULARDEAU
oprlvr33 THIS is a sequel to the first two...???? Since when?I more than agree with the prior reviews here. This is an utter train wreck. What began promising quickly escalates into pure and utter nonsense. What the devil (no pun) were Clavell and Dudelson thinking? Apparently zilch. There is absolutely zero plot, mediocre acting (at best), and no script. It is merely a "chain" of nonsensical hooker story action that goes nowhere... fast. At least with the first two, action and lines flowed decently - connecting Romero's origination. This fiasco makes a mockery of that with its own pathetic 'twist'Stay with the real horror film rubes. This is not close to crap.
tsdanclason When I bought this I had never seen this before and come to think of it I wish I hadn't. the movie is awful the only good bit is the 1st tail which is "Alice" which was quite good but then you think whats the point in watching the rest when your watching it.The directing is one of the worst I have ever seen EVER. the acting is awful, it sounds like their not even trying or the person who did the script just hates movies or was wrote by a 10 year old. The stories are awfully written it makes you feel the were written in 5mins.this should not be called a Creepshow film as i love Creepshow 1 and 2 and it has stained the Creepshow series. do yourself a favour and watch the first or second Don't watch this
TechNoire I watch a lot of horror movies. I have seen a great many good, mediocre and bad ones. There are some bad ones that I actually quite like. But this was in a league of its own. The acting was so awful, it was like watching a bunch of porn actors who had decided to make a straight film. The writing was stunningly bad, like the script was put together by illiterate half wits raised by morons. The directing ... the camera work ... the effects .... all so bad, I had to get drunk to finish watching the movie. How did they even manage to get the money to make this? Why would anyone even WANT to make this? Why did I watch the whole thing? I don't know. Ugh.