Critical Nexus

2013 "The crossroads of death & desire"
2.9| 1h33m| en

A 16-year-old web blogger on a mission to understand her sexuality, a former internet millionaire on a desperate quest for personal redemption, and a dangerous sociopath killing for love - all on the road to Las Vegas.


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Also starring Karmann Bajuyo


Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
HeadlinesExotic Boring
Console best movie i've ever seen.
Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Lord Dhalgren SPOILER ALERT!!! This movie just plain sucks. It's so bad, I don't even know where to begin! The production values were decent enough- but NOTHING ELSE! When your plot and actors are both terrible, you could have the greatest production and still end up with a flop. The story is sketchy, at best. Some web-cam tramp is trying to find meaning to her life, but has problems, because she is clueless. A guy obsessed with her (for reasons beyond my comprehension) is following her as she treks across the country in search of enlightenment; which will always elude her, for obvious reasons. Sound good? Or does it sound like a bore-fest? It's the latter and you have been warned! Those other "wonderful" reviews? Obviously written by the cast/director. Don't you hate that?
puretalk291 Critical Nexus takes a different approach to dealing with ideas like our online identities and how they can have an impact in the real world. Each of the main characters is coming to terms with their actions or the consequences of their actions online. This is not the usual "ripped from current headlines" story line, rather it presents a some interesting ideas and observations about the costs of anonymity in our online lives without being preachy or apocalyptic. The cinematography and production looked very professional and the acting was also quite good for something on this scale and I would like to see more work by the two leads in particular. Overall, Critical Nexus deserves points for having an original plot, solid cinematography as well as some very good acting. All of which left me wanting more but in a good way.
carnesmd I recently watched Critical Nexus at the Harper Theater in Chicago. Despite an unseasonable rain storm, I and a few others braved the weather to watch this film. I'm so glad that I did. It is a smart portrayal of the intersecting issues of sex, lust, pornography, female body image, acceptance and relationships/dating in a modern digital world. I found the movie to be very thought provoking and one that can be used for teaching on the various topics mentioned; or a movie that a small group of people can view together, discuss, share and learn. I'm looking forward to the release of the DVD, because I plan on sharing it with many of my friends in the sex abuse prevention industry. Thank you to the producers, director, writer and cast for creating this wonderful work!
Johnny Mishkin To be honest, there are some things about this movie that I didn't get. But I keep thinking about it. Like, I am not sure how her dad fits into things or if (how?) Mark knew Katie before she ran away. But here is what I know: a girl runs an internet sex show, and runs away from home. Two different guys are chasing her, one of which wants to murder her and one of which wants to ... well, his motives are kind of mysterious. They don't know where she is headed but are trying to figure it out based on things she says on her webcam. It is a sexy movie, but not really in the way I thought it was going to be. This movie will really make you think.

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