Our original storyline centered on a group of heroes known as Vox Machina — Pike Trickfoot (gnome cleric, Ashley Johnson), Keyleth (half-elf druid, Marisha Ray), Percival “Percy” Fredrickstein Von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III (human gunslinger, Taliesin Jaffe), Grog Strongjaw (goliath barbarian, Travis Willingham), Scanlan Shorthalt (gnome bard, Sam Riegel), Vex’ahlia (half-elf ranger, Laura Bailey), and Vax’ildan (half-elf rogue, Liam O’Brien) — as they battled the forces of evil and learned to work as a team. Their epic tale concluded in November, 2017 after 115 episodes and 373 hours of gameplay.
Matthew Mercer , Ashley Johnson , Laura Bailey , Liam O'Brien , Marisha Ray , Sam Riegel , Taliesin Jaffe , Travis Willingham
Titmouse Studios