Critters 4

1992 "In Space, They Love to Hear You Scream!"
4.1| 1h27m| R| en

A super strain of genetically engineered mutants are designed to take over the universe, hungry to conquer the galaxy, with an appetite for mankind.


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Also starring Paul Whitthorne


Thehibikiew Not even bad in a good way
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Orla Zuniga It is interesting even when nothing much happens, which is for most of its 3-hour running time. Read full review
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Dragoneyed363 The Critters series is my second favorite Horror/Sci-Fi-Thriller series after Scream and Tremors, just above Sleepaway Camp. I grew up watching the first three Critter movies as a kid, and remembered having fond memories of them. After recently reliving them all again, my memories were confirmed. The only entry I had never really seen or heard anything about was this one, and then after reading about how it's just the worst of the series and a bad movie overall, I was more than skeptical because I had been into the Critters series for their balance of fun horror elements as well as fresh Comedy, not leaning towards one genre or the other. The films all scaled the two perfectly, and I was not ready for a film that merely is comedic and just plain bad when it came to this series.Well, while the movie is still my least favorite after all the others, it is nowhere near as bad a movie as everyone makes it out to be, especially since I went in expecting total tripe. I actually found it highly engaging, and exactly what I was looking for on my lazy off day. I'll give the movie all it's props first because it definitely flows like a Critter film, and even though it's set in space, the Critters have a nice, lengthy space station to travel abroad and wreak havoc (ring any bells?), but the setting doesn't become too boring or overused actually. It was a nice element this time around, even though "stuck on a spaceship in space" has been done to death like I said. It's back to the Critters roots, so it works. It's not like Jason or the Leprechaun flying around that have no business being there.Also, another thing that help the movie along are the performances. Everyone was believable and fun to a point. Not one person stuck out as the culprit for "Worst Actor of the Movie". One thing I really enjoyed actually is how Critters 3 was the start of Leo DiCaprio, and here we get to see a young Angela Bassett! Someone who I had no prior knowledge was in the movie. I absolutely loved her too! She was probably the most likable character, being the only woman aboard the ship and having some pretty killer scenes and line deliverance. Another thing this movie has? Some fun critter kills! Especially one of the first deaths early on got a huge belly laugh out of me but also disgusted me a little at the same time, and I loved it! That's usually what all the Critters films bring to me in terms of joy. And above all, this movie was just entertaining.Some downsides are none of the characters are very fleshed out. As much as all the cast tries to bring likability to them, just none of them are really that worthy of caring for except maybe of course Bassett's character and the full-time character of Charlie, but like I said that doesn't stop the cast from hamming it up and having fun in a lot of parts. And it's those character faults that lead to some pretty poor actions though and make the movie have those, "What the-?" or "Why are you doing that?" moments like all Horrors do, but they are few and far between, and course the plot is paper thin, but then again we're talking about the fourth entry in the Critters series here. Anybody expecting Citizen Kane or anybody that just doesn't know how to have a good time with this movie, why'd you view it in the first place?Overall, it's just not that bad, especially when compared to the plethora of other low budget Horror out there. It's just super campy fun, all of the Critters movies are and I have not disliked a single one. The original is an underrated gem in my opinion, and if you are fan of it or the sequels and you are excited and/or skeptical about this film like I was, pop it on now... if you're in the mood now. You won't be sorry!
Predrag What I like about the movie is that the Critters are back in this supercharged sci-fi space adventure! But these are no ordinary Critters they've a super strain of genetically engineered mutants designed to take over the universe. This time they've hungry to conquer the galaxy, with an appetite for mankind that's out of this world. There are scenes where a malfunctioning computer traps a character in an elevator, characters are nearly jettisoned into space from a garbage disposal, malfunctioning doors force characters to climb through access panels, there's an attempted rape from a drunken ship captain, the lingering threat of a nuclear core meltdown… even the climax of the film fails to account for the Critters, as the big moment is a standoff between Charlie and Ug.And can you believe how many "good" actors have appeared throughout the Critters franchise? Everything from popular voice actors (Scott Grimes) to scream queens (Dee Wallace) to niche personalities (Eddie Deezen) to Broadway superstars (Terrance Mann) to talented character actors (Brad Dourif) to motherfucking Leonardo DiCaprio. And that's not even getting to Billy Zane, M. Emmet Walsh or Angela Bassett, all of whom have offered celebrated performances in their time. And even the actors who didn't go on to become big names are all highly competent; there really isn't a performance in any of these movies that made me want to pull my hair out. Call it an act of providence, but the Critters series is more than solidly cast from beginning to end and that's.. that's just phenomenal, considering the material we're discussing.Anyhow, Critters 4 had the resources to be a good Critters movie, but it didn't want to be a Critters movie, so it wound up just sort of amounting to nothing. There are good moments sprinkled about the film and I enjoyed the stuff with Charlie and Ug, but most of it is just boring and frustrating.Overall rating: 4 out of 10.
ScR3aM This movie was a joke. Everything about it was a joke. From the awful acting to the stupid annoying characters, this was a joke. Let me give you a brief summary of this movie. Charlie gets sent in a pod, up to a space ship full of morons with the last few Krite eggs. Anyways, that's pretty much all you need to know. Why don't we start off with the space ship crew. Let me introduce you to Rick, a creepy weirdo who later walks in on Fran in the shower. Bernie, a really annoying guy. Albert, a drug addict. (or was that Bernie) And then of course, whiny little Ethan. The only person i liked was Fran. The acting sucked in the third movie, but this was much worse. Nobody here did a good job, and i mean nobody. Anyways, it's really sad to see how Ughs character has changed, now he's just a jerk who tries to kill the whole crew. He makes me want to say Ugh. (ha ha) Welp, hope you enjoyed my rant on critters 4, hope i changed your mind on watching it.
khono The plot's whatever. The sets are hilarious! They're worse than Babylon 5! I see industrial skids, just saw a garden hose wind-up thingy. The drawers and shelves look like they were bought at Walmart. That scene in the garbage chute XD.Think of this movie as a parody of much prettier (but equally ridiculous) space operas and you'll have a good time :)Not much else to say about it. Angela Bassett shows her butt. Ludicrous death scenes mixed with some horrible acting and the worst creature effects ever will have you laughing your socks off if you don't take it seriously. Terrific B horror movie to watch and mock.Best quote from the movie: "Thank you but I'm not allowed to accept compliments from waste material."