
2007 "It's Hunting Season and You're the Prey"
3.8| 1h40m| en

A large man-eating crocodile terrorizes tourists and locals near Krabi, in Thailand. Michael Madsen plays a hunter stalking the immense reptile, while sub-plots include a rivalry between a foreigner, who owns a crocodile-farm, and a Thai man who plays a part in framing the foreigner for the crocodile's rampage.


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Thai Occidental Productions


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Also starring Peter Tuinstra

Also starring Sherry Edwards


Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Catangro After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
ltlacey This movie is not as bad as one would think it would be, what with reading the other comments. Sure, some of the dialogue was lame and a lot of the acting was not that great. And yes the storyline has been done a million times, and much better too, but for some reason I found this movie entertaining. Then there's the stunning scenery, which makes it all worth the time. That, and the really decent live footage of real crocs, even if was "stock footage from The Discovery Channel." And though some of the scenes used fake crocs, especially as said croc was opening wide for a big bite to eat, to me it did not look that fake. And the movie kept with real croc behavior, which I also liked. And I also like the greedy business people who got what they deserved. And others just trying to save the animals, etc. I also liked that the movie was not afraid to show kids being attacked and killed. So many movies avoid this, when it's known that a lot of the victims of real croc attacks are children as they play/swim in the water. Overall, this movie was not a waste of time, even if it's not the greatest Creature Feature out there.
Tonci Pivac Croc is set in Thailand where American Jack McQuade (Peter Tuinstra) runs a zoo for locals & tourists with his nephew Theo (Scott Hazell). Greedy property developer Cao Konsong (Wasan Junsook) wants to shut the zoo since he wants to build a road through it & resorts to underhanded tactics to achieve this, Cao's younger brother Andy (Tawon Saetang) hears that someone has been killed by a Crocodile & sensing an opportunity releases the Crocodiles from Jack's zoo in order to make it look like his Crodile's were responsible. At first everyone buy's it which leaves the real huge man-eating Crocodile to carry on killing people. Evetually the authorities realize the mistake & Jack take sit upon himself to find the real Crocodile & stop it...Diretced by Stewart Raffill this is yet another awful 'Creature Feature' that premiered on the Sci-Fi Channel, why do they keep making & showing this rubbish? I suppose someone must like them, I mean someone must keep on watching them surely? If not they wouldn't get made, right? Anyway Croc has all the usual 'Creature Feature' flaws, a terrible script that almost totally ignores the main monster & instead focuses on a couple of really boring sub-plots like Jack not paying his taxes & the property developers trying to get Jack's zoo shut down. Listen guy's we creature feature fans don't want to see that crap we just want to see the huge Crocodile kill & eat people. The character's, dialog, plot, narrative & logic are all well below par & overall Croc is just a terrible film that bored the life out of me. The film drags, there's nothing to engage or interest the viewer & it utterly predictable in a Sci-Fi Channel 'Creature Feature' sort of way.Unlike most Sci-Fi Channel 'Creature Features' Croc doesn't have that much bad CGI computer effects work in it, sure it has some but most of the Crocodile attack scenes are a mixture of quick cuts, bad editing, people splashing around in the water & stock footage of real crocodiles which looks like it was lifted from some wildlife documentary. There's a definite shift in picture quality, lighting & you can tell the Crocodile isn't twenty feet long like the film claims as the surrounding terrain like grass, stones, splashes & the like reveal otherwise. The attack scenes are horribly edited, you can barely tell whats going on & they just look awful. There's a bit of gore, there are some severed limbs & in particular a decapitated mangled head, having said that it really doesn't amount to much though.With a supposed budget of about $750,000 this obviously had a small budget & it shows. Actually shot on location in Thailand the scenery looks quite nice & is the only reason I am giving Croc two stars out of ten rather than one. Croc is another awful Sci-Fi Channel 'Creature Feature' that has all the usual flaws, it's boring, predictable, stupid & infuriating to sit through. Watch the infinitely better Lake Placid (1999) again instead.
Red-Barracuda A large crocodile terrorizes a Thailand resort. An American croc farm owner gets accused by a couple of local brothers of being the one responsible for this creature. So this guy hooks up with a crocodile hunter to deal with the beast.This is a typical Sci-Fi Channel movie. The Sci-Fi Channel sure likes its water-based monster movies – crocodiles, octopuses, sharks, piranhas – it's never ending really. This one is pretty much no different to the rest; it's a completely derivative creature feature, full of bad CGI effects. Michael Madsen is the name actor and he sure looks like he just turned up for a paid holiday in Thailand. I can't say I blame him mind you as the location photography is often very nice, the Thai setting is the one thing that sets the film apart from others of its ilk. There are a few gory set-pieces that keep things quite lively, such as the attack in the swimming pool and the croc does get to burst up into a water-based house. Although the ending is a bit lacklustre to say the least.This is a pretty watchable film to be honest. Not exactly good but passably entertaining.
zardoz-13 CROC is one of the better entries in the Maneater series of made-for-television movies. Actually, director Stewart Raffill and "Miami Vice" & "Crime Story" scribe Ken Solarz are paying tribute to "Jaws" with this story about a renegade Australian crocodile that is about 20 feet in length and is creating a reign of terror in scenic Thailand. This big feller likes to slip up into the wading beaches and snack on an unsuspecting tourist. Once ole snapper snags him a body, it tows it back to its cave and lets it rot until it smells ripe enough to chow down on. Jack McQuade (Peter Tuinstra) runs a crocodile zoo and his arch-enemies are trying to put him out of business so that they can acquire his prime real estate. Initially, the authorities blame crocodiles that were let out of his zoo for the deaths, but a television news crew records footage of the giant reptile cruising the waters of the channel. About thirty minutes into the action, Croc Hawkins (Michael Madsen of "Die Another Day") shows up on the fringes quietly making notes about the victims and where they died. He limps around on a steel leg and has vowed to kill the giant croc. What sells this movie is a good performance by Madsen but largely the chomping scenes when the big feller strikes. This sneaky creature slips into the house of the villain and takes a bath in his swimming pool. When the villain takes a swim, CHOMP! When the brother of the villain scoops the head of his old brother out of the pool, big croc lunges out and tears off his arm. Our heroes track the big guy down to a cave at the mouth of a river. The blood & gore set this one about and Raffill occasionally scares up a modicum of suspense. The big croc attacks look really cool, especially when he gobbles a kid in one gulp.