Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Overrated and overhyped
it is finally so absorbing because it plays like a lyrical road odyssey that’s also a detective story.
if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
Heather (Natalie jean) is broke. She has a soul sucking job as a stripper. Her live-in girlfriend Victoria has a baby and a coke problem. Her boss Harry is an abusive maniac. Life cannot get much worse... or so she thought.This film is spoiled by rather weak performances and an almost non-existent plot. But we quickly get the impression that acting and plot were not really concerns for those involved. Rue Morgue says the film "was a huge hit with the underground horror community" and used copies were selling for $100 before a second run. Those who dropped the cash surely did not get their money's worth.We have some staples of Doug Sakmann and Backseat Conceptions: the excessive amount of naked women and the excellent gore (Sakmann tends to run in the same circles as the Suicide Girls and adult stars like Joanna Angel). Pretty sure I saw "XXX-orcist" in the background at one point.As a bonus, I learned the term "the High Five" which had somehow previously escaped me.
While I haven't seen this movie just the synopsis is enough to tell me all I want to know. The main character is a stripper living with a woman who has a kid from a man and has a drug problem, has a girlfriend she is cheating with and wants to run away with, has to do a job(commit a crime) to get out of the hated life. Then we get treated to a psychopath who just happens to be Christian and wants to kill all degenerates? Really we have a junkie stripper who is about to commit a crime and run away with a lover. I, and I am sure many feel this way, are tired of being told that criminals and drug addicts are good, that alternate lifestyles are normal, and that God is somehow involved in making people murderers.
This movie is torture porn, plain and simple. It's got the usual crap you see in most horror movies these days: bad acting, bad script, victim knocks the killer out but doesn't check to make sure the killer is dead, characters splitting up, no cell phone service, etc. When I was watching this movie I thought, "People aren't even trying to make anything new and engaging with horror movies these days. It's all about rehashing the same junk." And that's pretty much all this movie is: just a rehashing of the same junk any horror fan has seen before. The killer wears a bedsheet over his head. I subscribe to the idea that if you're going to conceal the killer's identity, give him a good disguise or a gruesome face. Don't just give him a bedsheet and a hammer and expect people to be scared.Without the credits, the movie is less than 65 minutes. And even within those 65 minutes there isn't much to watch. Much of it is just establishing the cardboard characters and their lives and long scenes inside a stripclub. I don't mind scenes of strippers at work. But I get the feeling the director put those scenes in the movie to keep the viewers interested and to pad together a movie that would have been a 30-40 min. short without the stripclub scenes.All in all, if you've seen torture porn movies before then you know what you're getting into if you decide to watch Cross Bearer. So you only have yourself to blame if you watch it and end up hating it. I tried to warn you by putting out this 1-star review of this movie that deserves 0 stars at most.
C.H Newell
I enjoyed some of Cross Bearer because I'm a fan of practical make-up effects, but other than that? I waited a long time to see a real dud of a film.There are times I'm fooled by a movie with some cool looking art-I admit it. I saw Cross Bearer's cover art, and I said "I have to see this". So I waited, waited, waited, and finally I was able to see it. What a disappointment. Not only is the acting cold and wooden, the writing is just bad. This is a typical horror film, and if you've seen enough horror you know this is just a rehash of so many other better films which were executed at a higher level than this. Even as far as slashers go, this is just weak. Like I said, there are some effects worth seeing, even a little decent cinematography at times, the look and feel of it, but you can't go for all style over substance, you just can't! This is not old school horror, this is also nothing new- I don't recommend seeing this. At least not if you have something more promising to watch. If you want to see another run-of- the-mill slasher, the same thing you've seen time and time again, then go ahead. I give it a 2 out of 10, only because some of the effects were enjoyable, and I also liked how they didn't go for something too ridiculous for a mask; it was a simple look, and I kind of dug it. Other than that? Skip it.