Cruel Summer

2016 "One Day Changes Everything"
5.4| 1h18m| en

Young Autism sufferer Danny enjoys the serenity and solitude of camping. That's all about to change when enraged teens Nicholas, Calvin and Julia find him, each with their own agenda for wanting to see Danny suffer.


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Dogs Of Annwn


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Also starring Richard Pawulski

Also starring Danny Miller


Diagonaldi Very well executed
Inclubabu Plot so thin, it passes unnoticed.
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
shawnblackman A freshly dumped man finds out his ex was sleeping with an autistic boy at school, so he grabs two friends and sets out for him.This was a slow burner that was well done. It sucks you right in and then mortifies you. The flick is along the same lines as Bully and Boys Don't Cry but a little more dark and is based on a true story.I was waiting to hear the Bananarama song Cruel Summer but there must have been some rights issues so you don't hear it. It does get heavy at he end so it might not be for everybody but all around a good flick.
seven-johnson Based on a true story...Other reviews have stated this was gratuitously violent and that bothered other reviewers. It was gratuitous, but it wasn't the violence that bothered me, this film just comes across as a cynical cash-in of a tragic story.OK, it gets one star for nice cinematography and that is the only redeeming feature. Other than that, dreadful D-list acting and a very clumsy script - everyone but the camera crew are probably asking "want fries with that" at the moment.I work with Autism, it's a complex disability, no two autistic people are alike, just like you and I - but they do act "autistic" unlike the main character, who really puts on a shocking and kinda sickening attempt at "acting" (no, just the burger thanks).It's a shame, this could have been a moving and insightful film - there is a nice visual aesthetic, but everything else is completely broken.
FilmGeek22 I'll be straight with you. From a technical aspect, the film crew did a very good job. As far as The writing, The setup is quite unclear and feels forced. om from a human with emotions aspect, I will never watch this film again due to the graphic nature. I cried. A character with a mental disability is beat to death. I cannot believe I even finished this film. Prayers for the real life family.
lhardwick69 the fact that this movie is based on a true story and see what these people did to an autistic boy--and sit there type a review saying you love it..there is some movies for entertainment and some that's not--this is one of them..would you want this to happen to you and let a movie be made about it and people say dude I loved it it was freaking awesome --what they did to you was sweet--get real..this is hard to watch for the fact its based on true story and I imagine its pretty detailed in what happened was accurate-- spoiler spoiler--it takes one girl to make a comment and the guy wants make him pay for it--the rumor isn't the point of the movie besides the fact its about another girl and the autistic boy--in the end--no justice is served for the guy-- they should been put in woods with a bunch of rapists and murderers and dealt with--people say that's wrong and barbaric--but what they did to him and get to sit in a prison cell for few yrs or for life isn't justice they are alive and he isn't--

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