Crystal Heart

5.1| 1h43m| R| en

A 22 year old man who has lived inside a crystal room because of a rare illness, meets an up and coming rock star, and the two fall in love.


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Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
videorama-759-859391 Only one can imagine, what it would be like, living with such a rare asthmatic condition, where you're confined to a glass walled room. Hey, John Travolta, did in a bubble, many years earlier. This time in a rather dull, and very cheesy late 80's effort, poor young Chris (Curreri from t.v. series fame) a brilliant songwriter, is the victim, and it's a sad and grim thing to behold. For me, this movie clearly posed the question, "Is life worth living the rest of it behind a glass wall, or for a few short days, out there in the open, before the guy upstairs takes you". Crystal Heart is far from a good film, though it's is a different and interesting watch, but really just falls to below average movie fare. Hottie Kitean, is the rock singer who's fallen for Curreri and his music, and it's a fatal, short lived love. As Chris, Curreri is just average, though likable, where Kitean, a good but under appreciated 80's actress whose career fell, after a few movie roles (she actually ended up on Celebrity Rehab) adds much more spark. It was Dynasty's Bochner's performance though, I really liked, as Chris's very supportive Dad, while Heatherly was solid as the Mother. Too, I liked Saura, an Emma Thompson looking woman, as Chris's carer. Her line after Chris breaks out of the glass, and vacates, is the one that stays with me. A brilliant acting moment on her part. A sincerity that's scary. Yes, some of you will be drawing tears in the short lived finale, such little precious time, shared between our lovebirds. There have been, many more effectively tragic endings, than this, but this is a cute little drama/time passer, but just isn't a good film. The whole film kind of has the air of a much shot video, with some nice bikini clad babes. One shot involving doggie do do in the gutter has never been a more favored shot. Jean Claude as Kitean's much older lover and agent is a hoot, where I just can't say the same for the slightly dreary, under par film. Kitean's finale song and scene, I really liked though.
areacode111 Entertaining, rather bizarre concept to make a love story out of a bubble boy and a rock star but the movie "Crystal Heart" rather pulls it off. Based after a Spanish novel, the movie stars Tawney Kitaen at her sexiest. She probably could have had a singing career. Lee Curreri of "Fame" falls for for Tawney through her videos, as so many of us did back in the 80's.Erotic love story mixed with rock music and melodrama creates an entertaining mix. Soundtrack is excellent. The movie was shot in Los Angeles and Mexico with an international crew. When it was first released theatrically it was in the top ten films released in Spain that year. Producer Carlos Vasallo went on to produce a Penelope Cruz movie years later.
Macholic One of the all time great music-melodramas. Christopher falls in love with the beautiful singer Alley, but he got a problem: He must stay inside a sterile plastic dome due to rare disease. This is a modern day "Love Story" with a gender-twist. Colorfully shot in L.A. with concert and music clips of a handful of very catchy tunes. Tawny Kitaen is very, very cute and sexy as Alley, this is her best movie, so if you're a fan, step right up. A gory dream sequence has been cut on UK video, however it got a few scenes in it not included on the Danish video. It certainly looks as if the screenwriter have seen Cinderella '80, another excellent movie, as it shares a lot of elements with that one (minus melodrama). This movie needs a DVD release. My almost 2 decades old VHS tape can do with a replacement.
GD Cugham The curly-haired pianist from 'Fame' is a multi-allergic teenager in a plastic bubble. Tawney Kitaen is a pop star and the object of the bubble boy's desire.His millionaire parents vow to bring the pop star to the boy, her gradually falling in love with him and making love by rubbing against each other through the plastic bubble. She incurs the wrath of her sleazy Spanish agent-cum-boyfriend, who has a terrible time with dog dirt all through this movie.The Bubble Boy thinks he has just been used by the pop-star to further her career and escapes his confines to meet up with a jive-talking forty-year-old paper boy in a jeep, through whom he travels to the girl's house and dies, struggling to fight against his allergy, in her arms.The film is god awful, but it is an unintentionally hilarious classic. Someone who thinks they have all the early eighties cinema ingredients - an Italian production team in fact - get it hilariously wrong, including a sub-Moroder synth soundtrack, one of the most embarrassingly unerotic sex-scenes ever filmed or participated in by mankind and the aforementioned Spanish-Italian villain whose every line is a phonetic fart.Real beer+pals+junk-food fare. Buy or rent immediately if you find it!